One Thursday Afternoon

One Thursday Afternoon

A Poem by Nicky Sarti

I actually don't have anything to say, or that I am willing to say about this yet. Talk to me nice and I shall see what I can share!


I feel like a love sick teenager walking in to see you sat there.
I knew it was you instantly.
What a beautiful surprise to see you sat there.
My first thought was to launch myself into your arms.
Sadly it was also the last thing I could have done.

Of all the men in this town, it is you I find myself having feelings for.
The one man I am sure I cannot fall for.
The one man I am sure could make me happy is the one man I must not pursue.
You are the one that could make me lose all, yet I could gain everything too.
My wish that I could find happiness with you is over ruled by my fear of losing everything.

You are the quintessential perfect gentleman.
The type of man you read about, dream about.
You have every quality I long for.
And truth is, I have dated far worse looking men than you!

Tall and handsome of course covers it, but it is more than that.
Those beautiful eyes, I could lose myself in them easily.
Everything about you screams of a well brought up; well turned out and well-spoken man.
The one I (politically) should be aching to get as far away from as I can.
Yet I am not. I am longing to be closer to you. As close as I can.

And it isn’t just desire, I am not longing to have that physical contact with you.
Of course I would not push you away, should I be able to.
But I wish to be part of your life, your affections.
When I talk about being with you, I mean as your companion; not just lover or partner.
I have had my fill of men who get that mixed up, maybe I long for you to be the exception to that rule?

But now I am sat alone, wishing you were here.
Longing for you to walk through the door again.
Wishing that you were stood there before me, offering me your hand to take.
And I’d take it too! Willingly, happily; I’d take your hand and walk off into the sunset with you.
I’d take your hand as a friend, as a girlfriend.
Allowing you to lead me, following you wherever you wished us to go.

© 2012 Nicky Sarti

My Review

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nicki, what i see here is a longing for friendship as well as love, maybe even more so. lovers come and go, but friends are forever. i like to think that even my lovers remain friends after passion cools.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nicki such love should not be so cruely left in limbo. Your poem describes so well the agony of loving from afar. Of feeling adrift because you want to give everything to someone you cannot have. Good emotion.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nicky Sarti

11 Years Ago

Thanks kindly hunny.
Me and "love" ~ always a bad idea to put us together!!!

11 Years Ago

Love is never a bad idea for anyone. not accepting it is!

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2 Reviews
Added on August 30, 2012
Last Updated on August 30, 2012


Nicky Sarti
Nicky Sarti

Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

ZOMGosh... How long has it been since I posted on here?!? What am I like? I am so sorry guys! So... I am still here (just about) I am still trying to keep my hand in when it comes to writing etc. .. more..
