Why Me?

Why Me?

A Poem by Vanessa

He sits on his wooden chair

With his head in his hands

Shedding tears of sadness

Damping his thick gray beard

He wonders deep in thought

The most common questions we ask ourselves:

Why me?

But no one ever asks:

Why not me?

Because we think that we’re being punished

For unknown reasons

But forget to remember that

We can’t choose not to get hurt

But we can decide how to deal with the pain

Dealing with the pain is the hardest part

Because pain can easily break your heart

You can sink so deep into depression

That you feel like a prisoner that can’t escape

When we hit rock bottom

We think we’re alone

We think no one understands

But the truth is we’re all hurting in some kind of way

But some people are better at faking their pain than others

Smiles are deceiving

And what we’re receiving is something unexpected

The unexpected is scary

Especially when we can’t control the outcome

The outcome could be anything:

Your best friend stabbed you in the back,

Your enemy becomes your best friend,

Your parents are getting a divorce,

Your mother dies in a car crash

And it's okay to cry about tragic situations

But don’t lose yourself to the situation

After all you have the power to heal your pain

And continue growing as a beautiful human being

© 2016 Vanessa

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I really like this poem. The meaning and way you phrased everything was great! Especially the "why not me?" line!

Posted 7 Years Ago

The first stanza was a great draw. The third continued that draw. But the rest seemed to feel off topic somehow. Sort of like the focus was wandering rather than pinned ...least to me.

Posted 7 Years Ago

I liked the meaning behind the text. Very cool.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 15, 2016
Last Updated on September 15, 2016