Jealousy In Love

Jealousy In Love

A Poem by Aurora .I.

Half poem, half stream of conscious.

Jealousy in love is a terrible thing
It eats at your insides
It tares you from within
You believe all those spiteful thoughts
And wish for horrible things
When really all you want to do
Is let your tears and frustration pour out like a stream
But...If you haven't muttered a single feeling to them yet,
Then you have no right to be jealous...right?
But sometimes jealousy is a good thing
Because sometimes it unravels things
And sometimes that unsuspecting tear that rolls down your face
Makes you realize how much you feel
But all the same it confuses you
And if moves you to do crazy things
And all the same I don't know what to do
If things should be the same
Or to say the thing and get it over with
Though it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway
I don't know.
But for now I'll just say
Jealousy in love is a terrible thing

© 2012 Aurora .I.

Author's Note

Aurora .I.
Oh stream of thoughts that turn into something, I love you.

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Great stream of thoughts then! Don't give up! :) 100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

Aurora .I.

11 Years Ago

Thank you very much, love. ;D It wasn't really for me but more so a collaboration of situations I've.. read more

11 Years Ago

It's ok and you're welcome

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1 Review
Added on August 21, 2012
Last Updated on August 22, 2012


Aurora .I.
Aurora .I.

Chicago, IL

Writer. Poet. Book Dragon more..
