A Short Lived Delicacy

A Short Lived Delicacy

A Poem by Aurora .I.

That's blowing swiftly away

A frail flower in very harsh winds
Innocence is
It's the ultimate rarity
A short-lived delicacy
That doesn't hesitate to part with time
For each breathtaking blow
Makes it's root untangle and untwist
Until there is nothing but one
Sun-glowing petal on it's wilting stem
And as the petal drops sweetly to floor
The stem and it's roots are turned to dust
All too soon, the wind picks up
Blowing the sun-glowing petal swiftly away
And we are left with the distant memory
Of our short-lived delicacy

© 2012 Aurora .I.

Author's Note

Aurora .I.
A little something the cam creeping into my mind. Hope you liked it. Any and all feedback is welcome with me. Thank you for reading!

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A very beautiful write, blooming along and never loosing steam. Deffintly a highlight of the day.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 31, 2012
Last Updated on August 31, 2012


Aurora .I.
Aurora .I.

Chicago, IL

Writer. Poet. Book Dragon more..
