Lost Romance

Lost Romance

A Poem by Nick

Losing the one you love because of selfishness


Her skin is a soft and lovely caramel cream

Her eyes a lovely blue-green fading with the dream

With shimmering hair so silken, dark and welcome

As I lightly run my fingers across this wondrous perfection

I wonder how I let it all fade away to dust

This lovely sight I behold now left behind for lust

Forsaken, betrayed, lost to passions and greed

But all this time I’d lost sight of who it is I need

Too late I discover my true love’s genuine worth

I lost sight while burying myself in another woman’s berth

And now with my eyes open I see you fade slowly away

I blame everyone else for losing you into the fray

Yet, the blame lies solely on me for my crime

I love you now, my dream, until the end of time

To go back and set things right would be a welcome chance

But alas, I have failed in this, my greatest romance

© 2010 Nick

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Added on September 24, 2010
Last Updated on September 24, 2010



Salt Lake City, UT

I'm just a normal person. I love writing stories, and just recently have gotten into poetry, of a sort. more..

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