I'm Still Young

I'm Still Young

A Poem by Norah

These simple thoughts actually crossed my mind while I was considering what to major in college.


I’m still young

So young that I don’t know the difference between parsley and coriander

Why are they different yet look the same

Do they have different tastes?

I don’t know I still have to find out.

So young that I don’t know the difference between salmon and trout

Why do they look different yet taste the same?

I don’t know I still have to find out

So young I don’t know the difference between ‘silly’ and ‘lame’

Why do they have different definitions yet mean the same

Well, I don’t know I still have to find out!

I’m still young and don’t know what I want to do

How do you even expect me to know?

At this young age I have important decisions to make; only if you knew,

Knew the pressure I am facing

The ambitions I intend on chasing

I have to make decisions that will determine the course of my life

Oh my, I’m still young and I have to find out

Find out more about myself, wait, do I even like chocolate cake

I mean, do I really ‘like’ it?

I don’t know I still have to find out.

© 2014 Norah

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Awww.. Noorah... The examples you chose were so confusing and I just had to LOL after reading them :p I'm too scared too, about future stuff and all.... But then I remembered,in worst case, if we messed up so bad so what?!?! Life's too important to be taken seriously,dude 😆😋😜😜

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your review.. and you are totally right !!! :D

9 Years Ago

hahaha xx😃
oh wow nice one. we are still young!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you!!! And yes we are :)
this one is cute..that's more like a sweet girl confused in herself...this one made me smile and adore you..its a lovely poem...with lots of innocence ...thanks for the read request..:)


Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you!!! Your review made my day .. thank you so much :D

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13 Reviews
Added on July 30, 2014
Last Updated on July 30, 2014
Tags: Young, decisions, pressure, ambitions, life



Beirut, Lebanon

Hey there beautiful people! My name is Nora. I am American-Lebanese. I am a college student, film lover,bookworm,proud history nerd,political enthusiast,hardcore writer, and a thinker! more..

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