What has had it's moment, shall pass

What has had it's moment, shall pass

A Chapter by NightmaredProductions

The parenthesis are her extra thoughts, these are almost similar to journal entries, but automatically inputted.

7:59 p.m
18 years after attack.

  I couldn't help but stare at the sky that rotted away so easily into the night. all that was being left behind was small white dots. The arms of other masses, possibly other worlds making themselves present against the rigid night sky. It only seemed natural that the sky did this as the warm sun hid behind the other half of the flourishing world. The moon, that was shattered the day I was born, looking like a large smile in that darkened sky, with large white, and grey spots. I stood on the tallest tree, holding myself up with my robotic hand. The tree swayed under my weight, making a rocking motion. My ears rang, my heart hammered against my rib cage. I laughed at how free I felt, away from the districts of the loud city. I laughed at how stupid everyone was when they thought out here was a wasteland, and thought my family was insane for living out here.
'It's perfectly fine out here!' I thought, landing onto the ground with a loud thud. The mechanical legs hissed out steam, and my eyes toyed with the now visible wind. Chasing it like a child would a butterfly, I followed it back to my home. The 4 story house, that was made by me and my mother. Two floors down, and two floors up. My room, was on the very top. There my mother waited there, still wiping oil off her hands.
"Marius! I want you out of here no-" she paused, and saw me. She was short,a small nose, and large cheeks, covered in freckles. Her brown hair curled calmly around her ears, and her gold eyes stood broadly against her darkened form. My father on the other hand, was tall, skinny, blonde hair, and bright periwinkle eyes.
"It's my daughter to!" he roared. Marius always saw me as a machine. At birth, my legs and arms never worked, nor did my heart. My mother ,in a desperate rage, recreated me. (The metal grew like a humans as they aged.) But what my mother thought was beautiful, my father thought it was a monster. Many times he called the police forces and tried to take me, use me as a massive weapon, but they only saw me as a small girl. 
"She has a name!" my mother roared, pushing him out. He fell flat onto his expensive bottom, (he was filthy rich, he was still married to us, trying to be a good father, but he worked in the industry's out back at the districts.) I walked past him, not wanting to be cold, but it was not the first time I had to say it.
"And it's Sonar." I know, tacky name, but I gave it to myself. (My sight always acted like a sonar, and it always will.) Already, Marius started to weld up. As my mother walked away. I knelt down as she walked into the large house holding my hand out to him, as he grasped it, I pulled him up, (I certainly took from my fathers height, because as I pulled him up, I matched his height. )
 giving him a light smile.
"Go home dad. Thanks for stopping by though."
"Wait!" he pulled out a small box, and handed it to me. My eyes darted excitedly toward it. Reaching my hand out, I grasped the tiny box, and scanned the contents. A small necklace, already my curiosity sparked as small screens appeared.
'Grama Rose's' and such.
"Take care of it Son..." he said, and started back toward his hover mobile. As he flew off, I eagerly opened it, and the top read,
'Happy birthday!' I laughed excitedly as I slipped the necklace on, I walked inside, hiding the box in my torn pants pocket. 

© 2014 NightmaredProductions

Author's Note

Please no vulgar language.

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No it was not supposed to be I just never had the time to get started on it, or Finnish it xD

Posted 9 Years Ago

is this like a haiku version of a chapter?

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2014
Last Updated on September 30, 2014



Pearland, TX

I am currently trying to writ my own story, but I'm not at my best at writing, and grammar for now. more..


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