Library of Unfinished Tales

Library of Unfinished Tales

A Poem by Nusquam Esse

I sink my fingertips within
deep recesses of vellum
seeking that semblance
of holding another (you)
Tempted by that ink
I so lovingly pressed
into those unfinished pages,
dogearred and secreted away,
Those tender memories I should
(I really should)

Yet I have not the heart
I'd burn it (perhaps)
if I could
But instead
it has burnt, branded
me irreparably
an afterimage
a phantom
that wounds my
idle thoughts
without you.

So I file away who we
were//could//have been
in my library of
malrequited love
ever weighing upon me
as only unfinished books do
Unable to rid myself this burden,
for without this pain (regret)
Where would I find that
vile ichor, that lachrymos ink
to carry on this
sisyphean pen
ever filling
my library with
a disquieting scent of
crumbling parchment, spilt ink,
and the heaviness of words
with no one to hear them.

© 2022 Nusquam Esse

My Review

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Oh my, you place the nib right into the universal heart of the writer universe. I admire (translation: covet) your use of the language, although that is only incidentally great when taken from the greatness of the whole. " vile ichor, that lachrymos ink" is daring and I think "malrequited" is your neologism of the day , bravo.
In sum, thanks. Great piece of work.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Nusquam Esse

1 Year Ago

Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff; considering my low profile, it is surprising to still h.. read more

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1 Review
Added on November 8, 2022
Last Updated on November 8, 2022


Nusquam Esse
Nusquam Esse

Ogden, UT

****I have disabled RRs, since I just don't have the time and energy to continue returning every review. I have enough on my plate without nagging feelings of obligation; so please, do NOT review me .. more..
