Misted Woods

Misted Woods

A Poem by O.S. Alrescha

In the woods with metaphors to mans ignorance.

Misted woods,
Misted mind,

Tree ahead unseen,
Thoughts wondering unknown,

Head brushing branches,
Ideas hinting existence,

Thorn scratching legs,
Memories reminding,

Berries juicy,
Dreams telling,

Misted forest,
Hazy mind,

Never to lift,
Never to see.

© 2015 O.S. Alrescha

Author's Note

O.S. Alrescha
Man kinds ignorance to pollution and global warming.

My Review

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Something about this almost felt like being in Sleepy hollow! I can see how this applies to the ignorance of man to pollution but I like it better in the sense of a horror... only, I suppose you could call that a horror!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

O.S. Alrescha

8 Years Ago

Thanks, I have never looked at it that way, I see what you mean!

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1 Review
Added on August 13, 2015
Last Updated on August 13, 2015
Tags: poems, dark, pollution, stupid, man, woods, reality


O.S. Alrescha
O.S. Alrescha

Missoula, MT

I have been writing for a while now, I like poems, short stories, novels, dark fantasy. I would like reviews. more..
