Does everything happen for a reason?

Does everything happen for a reason?

A Chapter by The girl with hidden secrets

It all stated on a calm, collected....sunny day. It's kind of funny how I found out, but once I did I knew I could never go back, back to my normal life that is.
It was a Sunday, June 29th, 2015 it was the big day, last day of school and people already throwing parties. Tonight was Maxwell Cory's party, one of my best friends and also the very popular boy in school. His party was going to be massive, the music blasting the crowd dancing, and everything was going to be amazing. While I was sitting in the boring classroom may I mention still learning on the last day, my phone buzzes. I quickly look down and see a text from Felicity, " Hey meet at my house at 5 we can get ready for the party together"! " Sure thing, don't want to get caught by Miss. Lynch, so i'll text you later bye"! "Okay see you later". Felicity Wheeler best friend since third grade, and may I mention the smartest girl to exist.
"Ring, ring"! That's the bell! Yes finally a senior, I step out of the hallway that is filled with people and try to make my way to the door, but I guess everyone had the same idea. phew, there's my baby, my red chevy mustang with a white racing stripe. And no m parents are not rich and I didn't get it as a present I saved up my money for as long as I can remember, plus I worked and saved up my work money also. I unlock my car door and jump right in and starting up the engine I pulled out of the school parking lot but my phone kept going off, and off ,and off my stupid notifications were irritating the hell out of me, I guess you could say my curiosity got the best of me. I thought it wouldn't do much damage to just check so I got my phone out at a red light and checked it real quick. It was just notifications about Maxwell's party. So it's 3:00, two more hours till I go over to Felicity's. As I was lost in thought thinking to myself I hear, "Beep, Beep"! D****t I totally spaced out, I checked to make sure the light was green and it still was, I started to go the direction to my house when out of the middle of no where a car comes flying past me, have you ever seen a movie that right when a person is about to die or at least think there going to die everything goes in slow motion, yeah well that's what was happening. I swear I could see every memory I had ever had come to mind, and let me tell you it was scary."Bam"! Suddenly every things black and I slip out of consciousness, am i dead?

© 2015 The girl with hidden secrets

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Added on February 25, 2015
Last Updated on February 25, 2015