

A Poem by Oliver Free

A personal view of my opinion on life.

I wonder, with a curiosity that never ceases,
How one can see the world in so many separate pieces.
For my world can only be described
With the simplest of words.


Though many pose the age old question,
"Is the glass half full or half empty?"
There are many answers I could give,
But none better than just, ever simply,


And I suppose, to those that view life
As a time for growth and change,
No one truly understands my strife.
If I were to explain, in terms rather simple, I feel...


My mind drifts to many different conclusions.
Considering where and when, exactly,
My life decided to take a downward tumble.
Farther and lower, until it finally becomes, as simple as can be,


Just lying here, with thousands of thoughts
Running like wolves through my head,
I close my eyes and begin to fade away into unconsciousness.
As I join the perfect world I've envisioned in my dreams,
The trivial list of what I had considered problems turns out to be,
Much simpler than before:


© 2016 Oliver Free

Author's Note

Oliver Free
I know that this piece isn't as wonderfully written as my other pieces, but I decided to omit fancier wordplay and storytelling for a more personal, emotional approach. It's something new, hopefully you enjoy!

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In the moment that I came upon this poem, I was feeling empty, which is why I clicked the link to this poem. I've read the poem a handful of times and this is kind of how it played out for me: I opened the poem. I really liked the formatting at first glance. It looked clean and seemed to make sense; It drew me in. I read the first stanza once, quickly and silently. I needed to read this one out loud. I read the first stanza, and felt so empowered. Like, yeah, I get this. I read the second stanza and thought that the last line was super smart. I read the next two lines and felt defensive! I keep saying that growth and change are what it's all about! I read on, however, because I was in love with the poem by then. I couldn't let my ego keep me from it; (it is so easy, after all, to just click out of these pieces and never think of them again). And, as I said, I reread the poem several times. Great/introspective work.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oliver Free

7 Years Ago

Thank you very much, it certainly made my day better knowing that someone enjoyed my writing. This p.. read more


I actually prefer the sometimes bumpy ride of reading something that's been poured on the page in a roughshod way, bypassing the pretty-ing-up that we often do to present our work. These kinds of true-to-life messages are bumpy becuz the ride of life is bumpy. You've done a good job of expressing how it feels to be empty, looking at others, thinking other lives are full (they usually aren't -- people pretend all the time). This kinda sounds like depression, which strikes some as profound emptiness.

Posted 7 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oliver Free

7 Years Ago

Thank you again for another great review! This is a really personal poem, as I do unfortunately suff.. read more
this is great!!! i love the way you've composed it!!
keep writing :D

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oliver Free

7 Years Ago

Thank you! I took a different approach with this piece and I'm quite proud of how it came out!

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 21, 2016
Last Updated on June 21, 2016
Tags: Empty, sadness, poetry, feelings


Oliver Free
Oliver Free

Horsham, PA

I'm a 20 year old amateur writer. Poetry is my passion, and though I am certainly not the best, my only goal is to improve. Any support would be much appreciated! Thank you for reading my work. It mea.. more..


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