

A Book by ♥Dancing giraffe♥

*Description in 'Author's Note''


© 2011 ♥Dancing giraffe♥

Author's Note

♥Dancing giraffe♥
"The hands that held her shoulders were strong, preventing her from moving. Cole’s face was inches from her, so close she felt his cool breath brush her skin. For a moment, he towered over her, and Jennifer thought it looked as if he were going to kiss her. But then her brain managed to process the bleak look on his face. His expression was grim, the uneven set of his lips turned into a grimace; as if being this close to her disgusted him.

He leaned closer until she felt his lips brushing her ear. “There are far worse things out there than I, Miss Kingsly.” He whispered softly. “I could’ve done far worse things you couldn’t begin to imagine.” He tilted his head back to look at her, his face no longer showing revulsion. He was oddly calm. Yet, the disgust didn’t disappear, instead it moved elsewhere; to his eyes."

Description; Jennifer Kingsly has always been perfect; she was popular, invited to almost every party, with only a slightly imperfect family. It was the life she always wanted it to be. But what happens when Cole Marking – a dark, almost chilling boy in school that everyone seems to avoid – places a curse on her that changes everything? As she deals with these new changes, Jennifer finds herself learning more about herself and those around her than she ever thought possible. That friends don’t last forever – family does, and that what other people think isn’t always the most important thing that matters; especially when she finds herself falling for him.

[horrible description, but theres tons more]

I made up this story purposely to be posted on writerscafe. Hopefully it gets some viewers and if not, oh well. I tried. :P

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Sounds interesting:)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 25, 2011
Last Updated on June 16, 2011
Tags: Lies, Magic, romance


♥Dancing giraffe♥
♥Dancing giraffe♥


Name; Just say it’s Joelle. (~ since it's my middle name and i dislike my first~) Some things about me; I have horrible social skills :( I love reading, writing, and painting ~ it&rsquo.. more..
