Imperfectly ME

Imperfectly ME

A Poem by ♥Dancing giraffe♥

"No ones perfect." Read left to right. *if you haven't already figured that out ;)


Get a hold of yourself, you coward.                                             You’re strong. Never forget that.


Fool. Why can’t I do anything right?                                You’re human. It’s okay to make mistakes.


I’m not pretty; I’m the ugliest thing on earth.                             You are beautiful and remarkable.

Why can’t I be beautiful like them?                                                 Never let others change that.


No one loves me.                                                              God rejoices his love for you everyday. 

                                                                                            Even if you don’t believe in him.


Dumbass. That’s what I am, isn’t it? I’m so stupid!                                              You are smart.

                                                                                           Everyone learns at their own pace. 

                                                                                                             Believe in yourself.


I can’t do anything. I’m so helpless.                                   The human soul is a powerful thing. 

                                                                             You can do anything you put your mind to.


I hate myself.                                                                                      Why? You’re amazing. 

                                                                                             You have to start loving yourself, 

                                                              you are going to be with you for the rest of your life.


I’m nothing

I'm worthless                                   Remember, you are a person and that you have great wealth

I'm a nobody.                                                                               by simply being born.



I’m not good enough. Why am I the way I am?                                 People are born as individuals. 

                                                                                                       Be proud of who you are. 

                                                                                                 You are always good enough.


                                       No ones perfect. 

© 2011 ♥Dancing giraffe♥

Author's Note

♥Dancing giraffe♥
Sometimes I contradict myself. While one part of me argues how ‘stupid’ I am and ‘You’re so ugly you should jump off a cliff’ - really, everyone feels this way once in a while. It’s normal- the other part of me tells me how amazing and beautiful I am. I think some people feel this way sometimes. And it’s okay, because it means you’re human. We point out our flaws and judge ourselves and others too quickly. But heck, no ones perfect. ;)

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wow, this is a beautiful way to illustrate the internal struggle of loving and hating ourselves. powerful message

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

everyone learns at their *own* pace. only mistake i found :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

RIGHT side is absolutly the truest thing ive ever read. the left is a total work of fiction. you of all people never need to feel anything but happy with yourself. and if sometimes you dont, im always here ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I agree, this poemk is definitly relatable. We should pe proud of ourselves because wer'e unique from everyone else. I lie the way you formatted this, great write! ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 13, 2011
Last Updated on October 29, 2011
Tags: contradiction, Imperfect


♥Dancing giraffe♥
♥Dancing giraffe♥


Name; Just say it’s Joelle. (~ since it's my middle name and i dislike my first~) Some things about me; I have horrible social skills :( I love reading, writing, and painting ~ it&rsquo.. more..
