Let Me

Let Me

A Story by Kathryn Smith

Lay down your weapons
Lay down with me

We will stare at the stars and think what life will be....
We've had trouble
We've had strife
We've made our plans
To march on towards the promised land 

Let me be your Haven 

Let me be your L i g h t 

Charlie - 

I was called to love you. 

And I'm not going to let the past get in the way. 

You are so much more than what has been said of you. 

Even if you did do something terrible, you are not that man anymore. 

I may be small but I am tough as nails. 

If I can take on death...

I can take on anything.

Sometimes in the darkness what we need most ls light. 

And I will be yours through it all. 

Through ever stick. 

Every stone. 

Every allegation and lie. 

I stand with you. 

It is why God gave man, woman. 

Because one should never be alone in the cold and brutal world. 

I will be your haven

I will be your light

It's on wards from here



G o  

© 2020 Kathryn Smith

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Lots of intriguing suspense! Very good 🙂

Posted 3 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 20, 2020
Last Updated on June 20, 2020