

A Poem by Chloe..Across the Universe

We are all a statistic...


The wolves are at our doors, they are growling and snarling, biting at our heels. We don't notice we're too busy living our lives ...

Off in the distance a child cries as his mother beats him while his father smokes crack and looses touch with a reality he can't face.
The child is six  under- nourished with quite big brown eyes that keep a look of constant terror. His only crime , being born. What shall become of this little boy so alone , hopeless , friendless.  Who cares about another black child from the inner city ? Who cares about his mother herself a victim of abuse. Who cares of his father lost in depression and despair. His only love.. the dirty  white chunks of  cocaine he smokes from a pipe he stole at the tobacco store when the clerk wasn't looking . Who cares? Who ?

A few  statistic's.

Across town a young girl sits in her room surrounded by her lavish possessions staring at the ceiling . Wishing her mother would give her a hug and say, " I love you."
Her mother is the head of the annual country club fund raiser. Appearances are important to her.
Her daughter is an embarrassment.
Her daughter has bulimia.
Her daughter cuts her skin to feel.
Just to feel something , she has never felt love she has everything but love.
Who cares about another rich white girl who cuts herself to feel. Who?
Who cares about an affluent  white woman who's idea of success is measured by status and appearances .
She grew up in a loveless home wearing her sister's hand me down's now she gives her Ralph Lauren and Donnatelli to the local Salvation Army.
Who cares about this woman ? A woman who never knew anything but struggles in life .
In her warped thinking she thinks possessions  and social status  equal love .
Who cares?

Another statistic.

In a small suburb in middle America a young boy of sixteen is about smoke  his first hit of crystal  meth. His mom and dad smoke marijuana with him , so its cool . So at the urging of his friends he takes that first hit and is forever chasing that feeling lost in a world of paranoia and destruction . Who cares about another meth -addcit whose parents are too busy getting high to notice their son is nothing but bones, anger and nerves with track marks on his thin arms. Who cares?

Another statistic.

Across the sea in a city called Baghdad a young woman of twenty-four looks at a photograph of her child.
She joined the Army to make a better life for her only child. She didn't want her child to struggle and wear hand me downs and eat lunch with the free lunch passes that always embarrassed her as she handed the card to the woman with downcast eyes. The food always tasted bitter. She could barely swallow it.
So to the Army she went when she graduated because she couldn't afford college and no one would give her a student loan. Her baby was a year old when she graduated . Now she sets in a strange land with sand blowing around her blurring her already blurred teary  vision as she hears gunfire in the near distance , a tear fall's on the picture of the babe she so longs to hold close and smell , a fellow soldier fall's to his death.

Who cares about this woman who was only trying to make a better life for her fatherless child? Who cares? Who cares for this babe who misses her mommy every day and doesn't understand why she doesn't come home, who cares?
Who cares about the young man of  twenty - one just married six months dreaming of one day working with his dad in his dad's auto repair shop so he can buy his wife a nice house . Who cares that he lies on foreign soil as his life force seeps into the land's desert sands and he gasps his last breath . Who cares?

A couple of statistics..

In another land far away men sit in secret places and plot against their enemies as they prepare for  Holy War.
America is evil and must fall.
These men have been taught from the day they could say their first word to hate America and all she stood for so hate they do and they do it well and it shows
Who cares about the men and the evil in their hearts? Who cares?

Just statistics .

In a city in America in a house that's white a man sits in the oval office and wonders how and what has happened with a war he conceived  before he ever entered the sacred office. A war he thought would be over and  out in a few months. Does he care ? Does he feel the pain a young wife feels when the man walks to her door in uniform to inform her her husband with the crooked smile and dancing eyes will not be coming home to work with his dad ? Does he feel the pain of the mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and friends and lovers and crack babies and crack w****s and drug addicts  and millionaires and bums and gays , straights ,  black , white , red, yellow , brown , albino , freckled , flawed , perfect , sane , insane.  Does he feel the pain ?
He has a job to do he has an agenda.

The fault lies not with this one man but with all of us . From here to Timbuktu and all points in between. From the people of all the colors of the rainbow , all walks of lives - do we care ? And if we do care what can we do ? We are just one man or one woman. What good is one voice? 

Just another statistic.

The wolves are closing in and the world will never be the same again.

It's just a matter of statistics .

© 2011 Chloe..Across the Universe

Author's Note

Chloe..Across the Universe
Written awhile back......and lately i have little time for writing and too much going on in my head and life for thinking so another from when i was inspired a little bit.also, i love reading the reviews as everyone has something to add and make me think ..That's why i feature it, love your opinions and thoughts

So we don't have to be just a statistic..unite through writing. words.
Write Senators, Congressmen and women .. unite .. speak your mind and make it heard ..
It is a quarter to doomsday..clock is ticking ...don't hit snooze..right?

My Review

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Featured Review

Oh my Chloe what have you written her, this is really something of monumental magnitude as you reach deep into the soul of humanities current state... as we wrestle with our little problems the world around become a collage of faces but we don't want to put names to them so we can remain ignorant and therefore not feel guilt or shame for not lending a hand... and the government doesn't want to hear our problems unless we got money to donate to there campaign funds... Damn this is really Spectacular!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


This is deep! So many people try not to think about the ills in our society and eventually we all adopt that, "who cares?" attitude which is so wrong. This has touched me deeply. Great read!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow! i am speechless! this was powerful and inspiring! I have never read something that centered politics so much, but made it beyond THAT. This was amazing. Great job!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Absolutely heartbreaking. Its depressingly true, we see it every night we watch the news, read the paper or discuss an issue. Our evidence is statistics, we back up points with a story we heard or a family of a family that has a shared experience. You are right, we can change this. The human experience was clearly expressed here and I enjoyed your thorough point. If we don't want to be a statistic we can't create them. I loved the passion and conviction you expressed through this piece. Beautiful.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Deep and aspiring as always, Chloe. With a sigh of relief we can say "Thank God the era of an inept, corrput and incompetent administration is over!"
Now the Real challenge begins - uniting as one, take back our country and bring our brave sons and daughters home.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It seems so tragically ironic that as technology gives us the means to make the world so much smaller, as we are given the opportunity to draw nearer to people all over the world, that we are doing the exact opposite. We are withdrawing into our own little worlds and saying "It doesn't affect me, so why should I worry?"


Posted 15 Years Ago

This is wonderful! Loved it! I am so sorry it has been so lond since I have been able to drop in and visit you. Trying hard to get caught up with everyone. I hope you have been well. You can be very proud of this one my friend.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I LOVE THIS!!! I deeply and strongly encourage you to try to get this published. It is flat out awesome!!! Keep writing!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

A very moving piece indeed. The sadness has so much truth. And we all have story to tell, another way to use these miseries as another lesson learced. The format is very well done. The repetition just intensifies the piece. Your words eliquently describe. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is a fantastic write!!!

You have captured you anger (and mine) and funneled it into this great piece of work. Every "statistic" a different story of lives being ruined by (what?) us. We are our own downfall. You are completely right. We cannot depend on one man to "fix" everything and when we can't we blame him. It's not his fault the people of not only this country, but the world are indifferent to the suffering of other people around them. It makes me sick to actually have to look at what we have all become.

I am not guiltless either. No one is completely. People live their lives thinking "I don't have to worry, somone else will fix it". But when everyone is thinking that, who is left to try to fix the problems? Sure there are some people, but not enough.

Who CAN help the girl who's mother won't take the time out of her day to notice that shes dying from the inside out? The mother? The one who doesn't give a s**t (excuse my language)! That is one thing I cannot wrap my mind around. How can parents be so oblivious to their own children?! HOW? I always told myself that I would be nothing like my mother. But what happens if, in trying to make a better life, I forget why I am trying to make it? Is that what happens? Did these parents have good intentions once?

Sorry I sort of went off on my own little rant here.

This is a great write. It definitelt invokes thought (see above ha ha).

Wonderful work. I hope more people are able to see this. It truely deserves to be seen!


Posted 16 Years Ago

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44 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on May 7, 2008
Last Updated on April 3, 2011


Chloe..Across the Universe
Chloe..Across the Universe

Smalltown, USA, AR

Sometimes i feel like an alien in a strange land..can you relate? I love people and friends are just that to me , friends-if you request me as a friend it would be nice if you read something I have .. more..
