The Old Soldier

The Old Soldier

A Poem by Paul Bell


The picture stared down at the old man

Good times, friends for life

The decomposing body was in its second year now

The dust and webs had cloaked him like a blanket

Giving him comfort that life denied him

Time ago, they would have classed him as a hero, time ago

The black van took him away

Eventually releasing the body for burning

The prayers were brief

His final epitaph came when the council cleared the house

The picture was the last to go in the skip

Glancing at it, the worker remarked to his colleague

Old soldier.

© 2016 Paul Bell

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A very poignant story.

Just like the title of a very good Vietnam War book, "We were soldiers once, and young", this poem hits the right nerve in regards to the transparency that life can become. Heroes can fade into little more than ashes at death. With no one to mourn them and no fanfare. Just a clutter of lifelong treasured possessions that end up on the scrap heap with no thought or care.

The best piece I have read of yours so far, Paul. Very stirring and felt deep in the chest. An admirable piece of work.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Yeah to many left and forgotten in this fast pacing world now.
Privacy, there is little of that in today's world. Almost every move we make is monitored in some way or another.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

You're right. Unfortunately behind closed doors, you become anonymous.
Neighbour used to mean something more than just living next door. Times change, people's needs don't.

Not so long ago, I went with my mother and father to the burial of a very old lady who had rented a house next to one of my father's businesses. He'd known her casually for a very long time, thirty plus years he told me. Aside from the vicar, and of course the good old co-op professionals we were the only ones there.


Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Seems to be the western way now. We want privacy at all costs. Either that, or the old are cast asid.. read more
I am entwined with military life, so maybe I'm more's sad that we pay so little attention to people that give the most of themselves. Maybe too many wars have made us cold or maybe it's just the ones inside. I had a dream last night about7 trees shot with arrows, the first had a dead soldier in its grips...I remember thinking (yes, I am one of those weird people that think during dreams)why bullets?how strange...anyway it's what brought me to this read.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

It is sad. It's amazing how many military guys here are in prison, due to stress. Funny about the ar.. read more
Well done, Paul. Having buried a few old soldiers, I can appreciate this sad and poignant poem. Good write.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Thanks Ted. Nothing really changes.
I do understand this poem. I stood with few at old friends and soldiers funerals. It is sad when a complete life. Few will come and say their final goodbye. Thank you Paul for sharing the powerful words and thoughts.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Sad reality these days.
Coyote Poetry

7 Years Ago

I agree. War keep a-coming. More old soldiers being made.
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Great one Paul! Sad and rough. I liked it very much. And thanks for the knowledge, it's crazy it can be that long for a body to be found like that.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Sad reality Bev. People just don't know their neighbours anymore.
This is an unusual way to describe the end of a life & I like unexpected observations . . . your overall depiction is muddled for me (at first, a decomposing body for two years, but later ashes, not visualizing how this would be the case). But no need to stumble over that becuz your word portrait is haunting & conveying a sense of loss by showing glimpses of a life.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

He wasn't found for two years, hence the dust and cobwebs. This happens a lot in Britain, sadly.

7 Years Ago

I thought maybe I wasn't following your drift, but I never expected this to be the explanation!!!! e.. read more
Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Sad isn't it.
amazingly written keep it up !!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Thanks cherryblossom.
You have painted a very sad and powerful picture of the fate of this old soldier. Just by coincidence my next story is going to be on a similar theme. Of course once you have died it really doesn't matter but it is how we neglect our old folk when they are alive that is the real issue.
Well done!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Paul Bell

7 Years Ago

Yeah, once you've gone, you've gone. The old are passed by now. Look forward to your poem.

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15 Reviews
Added on December 4, 2016
Last Updated on December 4, 2016


Paul Bell
Paul Bell

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