The Advantage of Overseas Charities

The Advantage of Overseas Charities

A Story by Pauline Kate Hunter

IAM Group Ltd. is not only presenting itself to encourage all individuals to be hopeful for the future and be the best they can be. We are a prime moderator of change through massive charity operation


Is the life of someone closer to you really that much more important than life of someone on another continent? The survival of human life is really not helped much by the ‘look after your own’ mentality, seeing as the people starving in Africa are just as human as the people starving in Britain.

Furthermore, there is a huge difference between the type of poverty people experience in Britain and other first world countries compared to the poverty in Africa and other impoverished nations. 60% of the world’s poorest people live in Africa. This entire 600 million people survive on less than $1.25 per day. They don’t own homes, they struggle for food, and they literally fight for survival every day. Poverty in Britain and the U.S. is living like a king in comparison. So rather than it being like pushing someone in a wheelchair while you’re on crutches, local charities are equivalent to a medic putting a band-aid on a paper cut while 10 feet away someone’s leg just fell off.

Foreign development aid improves relations and creates markets for goods which likely create a net-inflow of value. Aid of this sort provides some of the best rates of return of any investment an industrialized state can make. The amount of aid the average industrialized state spends on foreign aid as a percentage of total economic output is ~0.5%. This amount of money would hardly put a dent in the socio-economic problems of any of these places. The problem of poverty isn’t a lack of available resources being spent at home; it is a mal-distribution of the resources. If you want to be upset, be angry that wealthy people are able to take ever greater shares of productivity improvements.

Some organizations do great things. For example, there is a group that employs Africans in building mosquito nets and then sells them to other Africans. Even though these nets cost significantly more than foreign made nets they employ locals and have a positive effect on the economy. This has led to a decrease in malaria and a positive effect on the local economy.

In India Bill Gates’ foundation has almost single-handedly reduced polio from ~20% when he started to last year when there was less than 5 reported cases in all of India. At the same time India’s economy has been growing strongly, there are less poor, and economic mobility is easier than it was when he started.

IAM Group Ltd has impacted a lot of lives in a good way. We have been in Yokohama Japan for a massive training and feeding program. We have been to China to help the homeless build their own homes. We went to Bangladesh to create startup jobs for the poor. We did so many great things in the past few years just to make more people hope for the best. Our charities overseas are obviously an advantage to everyone. IAM Group Limited spearheads many missions to make charity groups are worth joining in.

© 2014 Pauline Kate Hunter

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Added on December 23, 2014
Last Updated on December 23, 2014
Tags: IAMGroupLimited, IAMGroupLtdJapan, IAMGroupJapan