Through the Glass

Through the Glass

A Poem by Pauline

Hidden by smouldering eyes

Behind the dust crusted walls

Of a glassed miniature

Where a part of her soul lays sleeping

A dry seabed that once beheld the iris

swimming within a realm

of midnight musk 

Carrying a rainbow of emotions

Telling of perfumed days and sultry nights


Those bistre eyes that held him captive

(He thought he saw them open)

And for a moment wondered

If he stared hard enough

Could he bring her back


But they were only eyes 

Painted on a label

Guarding  the part of her

She’d left behind

In a crusted glass miniature 

That once beheld all that was love.

© 2024 Pauline

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Hello J! I was at a flea market in Spain and a man near me was staring long and hard at a very small perfume bottle. Whether he was thinking should he buy it or not or was it a reminder of someone, I really don't know, but I chose to write about the latter.
Hope all is well with you.

Posted 5 Months Ago

What an interesting way to end the metaphor with that last stanza.
this poem is magic...and reminds me of someone in my life...I could not stare long or hard enough.
"eyes painted on a label" Yeeees!

Posted 5 Months Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 25, 2024
Last Updated on February 25, 2024



United Kingdom

I've been writing poetry for some time now. It allows me to escape some of the doldrums of life. I also paint when life allows me some quiet time. I wouldn't say I was great at either passtimes but I.. more..
