Congregation: A Gathering

Congregation: A Gathering

A Poem by Pen Draggin'

I say to myself:
     I can be Godly for him.
Some people say that I already am.
Come then, Gentlemen, let me be
your religion or philosophy, I'll gladly take
you on your knees.
Atop this soapbox (or two
     or three) I preach things:
of unity and practicality, self-medicating,
passion, faith in only man, and praise.
You all seek my consul, my judgment, and aid;
I am confounded but still accustomed.
I have shoulders built
     to bare this burden.
From it shall arise a church,
for what failure has become of
us, that has enveloped us, encompassed us,
and embodied us.
Ascendant in all human matters,
     aethereal in image and reason,
I include myself amongst my peers
but am no prophet. Seeking pure worship
when walking with the gathering masses. Truly
a Deity as previously proclaimed.
According to the polls
     I'm taking on followers
and new believers. Be forewarned,
we are a dinghy
with a gaping fist-punch
through the hull.

© 2010 Pen Draggin'

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I love this!

Very cheeky savvy rumination on God and humans and what is indeed praise-worthy. You hit on why I favor aware writing itself as scripture, as all-inclusive genre, hence my ScriptureX.1 interlocking absurdist parable book.

"According to the polls/I'm taking on followers/and new believers. Be forewarned,/we are a dinghy/with a gaping fist-punch/through the hull."

There is more wisdom in those lines than centuries of musty texts, pious monumentalizations, politicized book burnings -- indeed even the secular religion of corporate capitalism. Counterfeit f*****g world.

Crazy-wise and cool.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I agree with you, Dave. I think that the poem really does end with that imagery but I didnt realize it until you pointed it out, I'm taking that advice :) Also, yes there is a very sexual undertone, I am so f*****g happy you picked up on it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I dig this a lot, dear. Definitely different than anything else I've read of yours in a while. I like the almost sexual undertone to a piece about religion. Maybe I just found sex where there wasn't any, but, if it is actually there, it's brilliant.

"Come then, Gentlemen, let me be
your religion or philosophy" brilliant, strong lines. This is the part that had me reading until the very end. The only change I might make is end with "fist-punch through the hull.." Strong imagery and a could kick to end on, but that's just me. Good work, dear.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I'm not sure if this is about hypocrisy of religion or just pointing out that so many people run to it when they want answers to problems. I've been exposed to many forms of religion and found most of them fundamentally the same. Unfortunately, many tend to burden followers with unnecessary rules and regulations. I have mixed emotions about the whole subject.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

In most religions the man is the one in charge in religious things. If the man of the family had a religion it would be wise for the woman of the family to follow that religion too to support the man and bring there children up religiously. I thought the flow carried through the stanza's were amazing. Everything you said so true and no one can disagree. Just one error I noticed the line "when walking with the gathering masses. Truly" shouldn't truly be at the beginning of the next line. And I would not use full stops in the middle of lines becuase it corrupts the flow

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

If you were born as a black man in the 1930's delta, you'd not only be a prevalent preacher, you'd be god at the blues too. I love this for obvious reasons, but something else struck goes well with Juggernaut. I depict you as righteous indignation picking up believers left and right. Our displeasure with the rape of what 'belief in the supreme' should be. How people corrupt something that could be beautiful before it even gets a chance. This feels like that same disgust only told from the point of view of a real Goddess on earth and her bleed of angelic potential by those who live to kill the divine with ugly opportunism. O, and the fact that you used the word dinghy...uber f*****g smart Lady of mine.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 11, 2010
Last Updated on June 26, 2010


Pen Draggin'
Pen Draggin'

Portland, OR

Hi! I'm Kelsey, I'm 22 years old with a passion for poetry. I write because it is innate and, quite simply, I'm pretty f*****g good at it. I love the rain. I will always belong to the Northwest. I sa.. more..


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