A Story by Praveen Patil

I am having a strange hobby of walking alone in night with moon talking to empty roads. It happened in one night of October, because of drizzle in evening, the night and street was looking sweet. The chorus of crickets are sounding like old classical music.

 I was heading in long straight road towards my friend room, When I stepped to the road, after ten fifteen steps I stared at other end, I noticed one strange blurred structure was walking from other end, I stepped curiously to know what it is, when that structure came below the street light, It looked clearly.

Once my heart stopped beating! One old woman with white saree is walking opposite to me, her white silky hairs freely moving in breeze like waves. I stopped for a second, ‘Evil dead’ series flashed in my mind. The evil coming towards me slowly!! I looked around; one single dog was not there for my help. I wanted to turn and run back to my room, but suddenly I stopped and told to myself ‘If you tuned back tonight, you never able to see your face in mirror’

I gathered all my courage and stepped on my way, we came nearer to each other, she is right side and I am left side of the road. One street light is dancing with dark to make me fear. That old woman staring me like an alien! I am trying not to notice, but my eyes are turning towards her, she stood staring me furiously, once my heart knocked my mouth! Her serious face, weird eyes can make anyone scare, she whispered something when I crossed, but I was not in a position to listen. I stepped away with all force

When I reached room, I told to my friend with great confidence ‘I just faced the Evil!’ and told the story happened. All believed me, because everyone used to listen weird voice of women and tiny bell sound of walk in most of the nights, but no one had a dare to go out and see what it was.

That incident made me to feel like hero, I became fully adventurous. If someone says stories of evil, I used to give a look evil is nothing to me

One night, we all friends were gathered for weekend party where we used to talk some unimportant subjects. In that conversation someone commented existing of evil. One voice raised before me. We looked at him surprisingly, because he was a new person who sharing table first time with us. I asked him with great confidence ‘have you ever seen evil?’ He made his throat clear and started telling story making his eyes widen ‘Not me, Once my grandmother had seen’ he looked for our attention. We all are looking at him curiously or acting like that!

‘Two years back my grandmother was coming from our native, due to some problem she reached in late night. There was no transportation facility available at that time, so she was coming by walk from railway station, when she entered our street, she noticed one boy is coming from other end, after coming nearer she noticed he is the boy who is living in our apartment, she called him, but he didn't replied. He went like not noticed!! After coming home my granny asked about that boy’s strange behavior, we were surprised, because that boy was dead one week before, but my granny did not know that!! When we conveyed the message, she not at all spoke with anyone for a day and there after she suddenly fell ill and passed away within month.... Since from that day, no one is having a dare to walk alone in that street at midnight.’

All my friends face turned towards me?!!

© 2013 Praveen Patil

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Added on November 27, 2013
Last Updated on November 27, 2013


Praveen Patil
Praveen Patil

bangalore, karnataka, India
