

A Story by Kristen

A positive piece of writing from Shattered Tears?! Yes! :-0 Joking aside, I had to write this reflection for my Health class, and figured why not put it up here?


I agree with Amity Gaige; self-esteem is not self-love.  It is, truly, self-acknowledgement and believing and accepting who you are as a human being.  It is recognizing that you have needs and wants and hopes, and if those dreams don’t work out it’s okay.  Life is not always about winning first place or getting an A+ on a test, but about recognizing who you are and that you’re good enough just the way you are.  Though self-esteem is often easily brought down, sometimes those things that bring self-esteem down aren’t even that crucially important.  Just because you didn’t do so well on your English paper doesn’t mean you’re a complete failure, it just means that maybe next time you could try a little harder.  Self-esteem is a delicate thing, but the sooner you can see who you really are and accept that, the better off you are. Also, self-esteem doesn’t mean you constantly have to be seeking positive attention from others just to justify your actions.  Self-esteem means you can justify your own actions truthfully and know that whatever you do, you are good enough.  One has to learn how to be confident in oneself and one’s actions, and even if you mess up sometimes to accept that knowledge and move on.  Mistakes are a part of life, and as long as one learns from them, they can be useful.  As mentioned in the article, it’s okay to admit flaws; everyone has some sort of flaw, and as long as you can accept that flaw, your self-esteem should be fine.  Self-esteem is simply about believing in yourself, accepting your flaws, and living life however you want despite any flaws you may have.  One doesn’t necessarily have to be totally in love with oneself, but one must get to the point of acceptance and being what you want to be.  You only get out of life what you put into it, and as long as you do that with your true self, you’re good enough, no matter what people say.  

© 2010 Kristen

Author's Note

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Pretty good. I really enjoyed this...excellent

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very good logic in your words. Self-esteem is the battle to be content with your life and goals. We must our selves in the mirror. A outstanding poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 3, 2010
Last Updated on February 28, 2010
Tags: Self-esteem, Dreams, Hopes, Acceptance, Belief




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A Poem by Kristen

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