Cyberbullying On DeviantART

Cyberbullying On DeviantART

A Poem by Raven Starhawk

Basically a poem about a on-going problem with a cyberbully. I also have a story on fictionpress titled My Cyberbully.

The practice of cyberbullying... public forums... media...
...or online information sites...

...attitude and existence...

But she who wields hate speech...
...false accusations...
...will someday realize...
...she could have bettered herself...
...instead of tearing down others.

© 2012 Raven Starhawk

Author's Note

Raven Starhawk

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This is so freaking true. I have had several cyberbullies over the years, and they are terrible.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is not only a very important and strong message regarding bullying but am I reading correct when I say i think the last stanza speaks of those who accuse falsely in forums? well written Raven.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Wow, so true, direct and Straight to the point :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

You tackle a very "real" yet delicate subject matter. It's sick because the three years I've been here...I've seen bullying on Writerscafe even....we are all mostly adults here are we not? lol

Posted 11 Years Ago

There was a sick woman from there who came here for awhile and tried it here.. it didn't last long thank God..
She was a real troubled human being.. I so understand this write. That's why I write under a pen name...I was stalked and harassed myself.. and it freaks you out..xo

Posted 11 Years Ago

dismantling in love is one thing...that is growth ..but tearing down in hatred and fear and jealousy is DEATH.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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I've been in DA for a time now, and that cyberbullying there is really quite evident at some time...really sad...great write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very good. I have a friend that has been cyber bullied. Its like a psycho thing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very deep and powerful poem! Has an awesome message that I hope will reach all readers!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2012
Last Updated on September 10, 2012
Tags: cyberbully, stalker, angst, drepression, troll, internet, abuse

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