

A Poem by Brittany Zedalis

Bullying, essentially.



Words creeping into the

Back of my mind

Into my soul

Words tearing at my heart

Words slithering in between

Truth and lies

Words pounding

In my brain

Breaking down walls

I didn't even know

Were there


Powerful things

Words can heal

Even the most

Fragile of people

Or shatter what's left

Of their being


Words are weapons

~Dead Snakes 2013~

© 2017 Brittany Zedalis

Author's Note

Brittany Zedalis
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I always feel like this is how I feel when I need to write. It's like words just keep pounding at you until you get your feelings down on to paper. It's only then that I may find peace.

Love this poem! I could really relate to it. It's true that words can be tools and weapons.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

6 Years Ago

I wrote this back when someone was constantly bullying me and I needed to get my feelings out. Thank.. read more


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I like your words. I read a struggle in the lines and I get an image of a flood of thoughts and feeling in the background trying to get in but you can't let overwhelm you.

I really like your poem, thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Karol.
First of all, let me say that in the seven years I've been posting here, never have I garnished 48 reviews in one poem! Wow, that's mighty impressive, and speaks volumes to me about the caliber of writer you are. And it tells me a lot about your readers, too!

I happened to see a movie the other day that waged the importance of words against art, and each side of students had to rally their convictions to which were of greater value to mankind. Your poem reminded me of it, and why now, I must choose "words".

They are what we stumble with the most, what gets stuck in our throats when we try to speak through our emotion. They are also what we wish we had to say over again, but most importantly, they give us a voice!

A most powerful read, Luna...thank you!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

Wow, thank you so much Kelly. This really made my day.
I've noticed ignorant people tend to say ignorant words, cruel people like to say cruel words, people who THINK they're smart like to say words they THINK the rest of us don't know, and the most rare types of people, the thoughtful and/or kind ones, say the words that can sometimes make a difference and maybe... even help (GASP.)
You are so right: As weapons, words can be more potent than any gun or knife. And as writers, our goal (ideally) is to find the right combination of words that will make some kind of difference to someone.
I like how your poems seem to accomplish that.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

Oh! Hello there! I was wondering where you wandered off to, haha.

You are incredibly.. read more
Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

Well, 4 accounts of words. Whoops.
Jake Donald Stephens

9 Years Ago

Haha. :)
I try to say as few words as possible, so people wonder what the heck I'm thinking.
I see this was in reference to bullying, and agree words are very effective in regards to it, especially within your poem, but I also interpret the power of words and their ability to heal. (Also in your poem) I love words. ALL words... the positive and the negative, for they are the catalyst to ultimate understanding of the human experience... without them we could not relay the fear, nor the love, nor anything in between... but I digress. Your poem is beautiful to me. Thank you for sharing.

~Peace, Todd

Posted 9 Years Ago

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Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

You are very, very correct. Thank you for this excellent response. ^-^
Weapons with the sharpest tongues as their bows launching wicked arrows so often..

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

Well, that was surely a poetic response, haha. Thank you, Brian.

9 Years Ago

You're welcome. Luna. That sounds so weird to say. Haha. It's cute though.
Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

I've had people call me Luna since high school. I like it better than the name I was given.
Excellent, words are tricky b******s when they want to be. They can save a life and they can wound irrevocably. I got tripped up in the flow of it here.... "Breaking down walls/I didn't even know/Were there/Words". I'm not sure why, so I guess that's not too helpful. lol Other than my unhelpful brain fart apparently, I think this is great!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

The thing with the format is while I was writing this, I was writing it as though I were speaking it.. read more
for some reason, this made me think of speech-impaired people (to be politically correct). they must feel frustrated not to be able to launch into a lengthy talk or tell jokes. of course they can sign but that's not the same thing, is it?
indeed words can heal or shatter and you've expressed that perfectly well. nicely dont!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

And I just realized how contradictory my statement came out, haha. I mean that I've never had a frie.. read more

9 Years Ago

haha I got your point. I didn't have any friends like that either but I've known a few who stuttered.. read more
Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

Yeah, for sure. It must be very frustrating.
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A true reminder that our words matter, and how we should be cautious with them. not only when we tell them to others, but to ourselves too.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Ohh :( I am sorry.. next time, call me sister Luna!! :) i'll throw some vicious skittles their way!!.. read more
Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

I surely will :) Thankfully I haven't spoken to them in..hmm...2 year or so, I think. But this poem .. read more

9 Years Ago

Good choice!!!
Great poem
Has good depth to it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Brittany Zedalis

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much.

9 Years Ago

I will enjoy reading more to come

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60 Reviews
Added on February 23, 2014
Last Updated on July 7, 2017
Tags: bully, words, bullying, bullies

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