The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by Autumn Blueter

I've found that there are few things that compare to the love between a girl and her dog. I was lucky enough to share this bond for fifteen years before my dog Raven crossed the rainbow bridge. When I think of her I think of so many moments that made my childhood. She taught me love, compassion and friendship and for that I will always be thankful. So for my first memory I should start from the beginning.

I was three years old and my parents and I drove for hours without telling me where we were going. It was a warm day in the spring and the sun was shining as we drove through the states. I slept with my head against my seat belt, unaware of the events that would take place. It was when all things that seemed for familiar had come and gone that the car finally stopped. As my mother helped me out of the car the first thing I noticed was my aunt Beth. She greeted my father and mother and me and welcome us over to the rest of my family. This was the very fist "mother daughter weekend" something that would take place for many, many years before my Grandmother wouldn't be able to make the trip.
    "Let me show you someone," my Aunt Beth said as a small black ball of fur bounded towards me.
    "A puppy!" I greeted the energetic dog and together the two of us played. Both of us were full of youth and bountiful energy. My Aunt showed me how to use the spray bottle if she jumped or bit or clawed and ended up spraying me. We laughed as she gave me a free shot at her.
    Here I was, a little girl with a small dog running, jumping and rolling around and I was in love. It wasn't until the following day that my family asked if I liked this puppy. When I nodded, sad to have to leave her they asked if I wanted her to mine. A dog all of my own, I could hardly believe it.
    "Yes!" I yelled and I hugged the mutt.
    "I call her Claws but you can call her whatever you want," My Aunt Beth told me. My family and I decided on Raven as her name and we began to load up the car. "Take good care of her," She said to me. "Raven was brought into Collie Rescue a few weeks ago, she was a stray. We couldn't find any of her brothers and sisters or her mother, she needs a loving home," I promised my Aunt that I would always love her and give her a wonderful home. It was then that we hugged and Raven was placed in the trunk.
    "You're my dog now," I said as I patted her head before getting into the car. My dog. Those words seemed so surreal, I had dreamed of the day I had a dog to call my own, and as far as I was concerned I had the perfect dog.

© 2015 Autumn Blueter

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Beautiful and touching, I will now go read your other chapter!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 16, 2015
Last Updated on March 16, 2015
Tags: Dog, Rainbow bridge, love, youth, child, sad, miss, memory