As You Wish and other poems

As You Wish and other poems

A Poem by Richard Hartshorn

move? you're alive. if you want, I could fly.

Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya, You Killed My Father, Prepare to Die

Your curls bring me solace
when surrounded by a moat
some would use for sightseeing,
but which I fear to cross and feel some great glory when I have.

Your eyes,                                
even when hidden behind black shields,
bring me warmth
in a castle that refuses to crumble.

Although I know this stone will still stand here when I am gone,
I know it won�t be talked about
as much as the nonfiction legends
we created during hot-chocolate-covered walks
along the snowy paths and the crunching orange leaves.

Don�t think about the last time you�ll see me,
think about the first time you�ll see me tomorrow.

Men of Action

As lucid as a cold teardrop
Lost in a pond
I see that only half the tears are mine
I can only see your face through a pane of glass
I wish I could have looked you in the eyes
And say what I wanted to say

Your voice is a strawberry raindrop
A dance that I cannot follow
I hold it in my cupped hands
Scratch the glass

I remember your hands cupped over my eyes
You laughing

As dated as the tears that follow
when I think about how long ago it was
My eyes speak it
Close and forget
only to keep it in another day

Sorry to say
I can�t fully bring it back
Thought that maybe the whole thing was just made up

But when I thought about it
I remembered.
Your face
through a thin layer of glass
melting into mist,
my sea after the storm.

Miracle Pill
Be sure to slide your heart
under my door
in early morning

In the eve
by the fire
I�ll give your secrets a home.


There are times when I cannot gather enough dirt in my hands
to produce a story worth pitying.
Temptations, bothersome thoughts
they only form solid daggers that will jam the portcullis.
Luckily, I�ve you to catch me
when the poison becomes too strong to stand.
It was more than I could have asked for
when we started,
and here we are again.
Back to the beginning.

As You Wish

Told you I�d see you
at the bottom of the hill
but it seems those promises
have faded over time.

Which of us forgot about them first?

The little things in my mind always
told me to leave
but seeing you in that red dress,
skin like wintery cream
after all these years
revives me.
Hold me close, if only to hear my promise.
I won�t get eaten by the sharks this time.

© 2008 Richard Hartshorn

My Review

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DAMN! You put so much s**t in this that I can't even divide a certain part that I like above the rest. WHy you gotta do that? Huh? Make me like so much of this?

I think you just consumed a whole plate of food with just one bite on this one.


Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I loved the last poem.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The first poem's title doesn't really fit for me. The poem seems too sweet for it.

The second poem contains this line, "Luckily, I�ve you to catch me" which sends shivers down my spine.

And I really liked the third poem, I thought it was one of the more honest ones, in my head, it was about someone really really important, at least, that seemed to show through. They are lucky to be immortalized by this one.

Miricle Pill was not my favorite. I thought it was a little under-developed.

I like the very last line of the last poem, but the rest of it seemed kind of like you clouded over your real emotions. I don't get that sense of raw "you" that I see in other poems.

All in all, as a collection, I think it works. Of course, there is no real "theme" besides emotion, but I think sometimes, that's enough, especially for this site. You're one of the pnly people I know that spends so much time agonizing over these things, but it comes through in the end. People appreciate the effort you put into this stuff.

Posted 17 Years Ago

yea to be consumed by love and not be eaten alive. thats the trick. and hooray a love piece using new words like portcullis. oh course I like this piece.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


"Stop that rhyming and I mean it!"
"Anybody got a peanut?"

(Miracle Pill is my favorite.)

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A bit surprised by the last poem. However, this has been a wonderful reading for me. The closest one to my heart is "Miracle Pill." However, my favorite lines are:

"Don�t think about the last time you�ll see me,
think about the first time you�ll see me tomorrow."

Don't just people get caught in "now" instead of "then." Sometimes, departure is so overwhleming, it impedes one from seeing what to come. La La has spoken true words about your expression and your heart. I agree with all of what she said; you are a true talent.



Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great job!

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm giving you a full rating because of the whole Princess Bride theme... because it is one of my favorite movies... of all time... of .. all... time...


It's not just that...
While I, myself am not very good at conveying such soft human emotions (it's INCONCIEVABLE for me)... I respect the way you were able to do it. Yes sir.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is absolutely the most intense piece I have ever read on this site. I don't think I swallowed this hard since I read all of the poems of Sylvia Plath.
If I put into words (wanting to hide) just how overwhelmed I am with several simultaneous emotions from this gem, I think we'd both be in trouble.
I have always thought you to be a gifted talent from God, the stars, the seas, love, somewhere, but these words here have made me realize in such a profound way the extent of that BRILLIANCE, the power of that gift.
If this isn't Featured Poem, I think I'd like to die; but while it's still in front of my eyes I shall read it again, devouring every word.
It is so clever that you put a quote in the description; the interconnection from the description to each piece is ingenius. Although each poem is separate, they are connected, like you mentioned in the Author's note, and I totally see that relevance.
The title of the first poem actually had me chuckle, out loud. I love that quote! And I was picturing him with his sword and the castle in the background. I think the black shields have two different meanings, too. Those which warriors use and those covering someone's eyes, but not literally- just because they can't see what you see. GREATNESS.
This line in the second piece gave me stunning visual imagery:
I remember your hands cupped over my eyes
You laughing .
I imagined autumn trees in the background, and for some reason a piggy-back ride there, or standing, because (she) was showing you something, a surprise- the world- from her perspective.
Miracle Pill just got me- "I'll give your secrets a home"
(I've burned those things too)....
and the last poem just blew me away! Can I say what an utter brilliant POET and dreamer and lover you are? You are a genius! I think you have become a poet of great magnitude. No- you always have been- it's just my eyes may have been covered too.

after all these years
revives me. .......
just like this poem. I was walking around not feeling alive this morning, and you have made me stand up straight, opening my eyes, my heart a little more. It was starting to close at the seams.
I think my favorites box is beginning a love affair with your words.
I savor every thought you have, I breathe every word, inhaling, taking them with me.
Thanks for this gift.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I feel that the last of the five poems is the strongest of the three, but they all seem to have something I liked, because I enjoyed reading all of them. Great idea to set them to a common thread like that, that was what got my interest the most I think.

Posted 17 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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21 Reviews
Added on April 10, 2008

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