The Burrow

The Burrow

A Chapter by Riley

The clouds began to part when Hermione, Ron, and Harry arrived at the burrow. The sun’s rays began to cut through, making everything brighter and prettier. A rainbow had formed and stood out against the slightly still grey sky. Hermione reveled in the sudden change, soaking up all the sun she could before it could rain again. The threesome walked to the door side by side, discussing the capture of Aerope animatedly. Ron seemed the most excited about it, and beamed when Hermione praised him for avoiding the Crutiatious curse.

“I was an INCH away from death, Hermione.” Ron said with a somber look on his face.

Harry rolled his eyes.

“Ron, it was about six feet away from you, and he’s a terrible aim.”

Ron went slightly pink, but continued his detailed and exaggerated description of what happened.

“After he fought us for about five minutes straight with all kinds of curses, we finally got him under control.” Ron finished.

Hermione laughed.

“So you’re telling me that it REALLY happened like that?”

Ron held up his right hand.

“I swear on my life.”

Harry punched Ron in the arm playfully.

“You know you’re just saying that so you’ll seem like a hero.”

Ron grinned and reached for the doorknob. Before he could open it, he was almost knocked out by it. Mrs. Weasley stood there wearing an upset expression with her arms folded across her chest stiffly.

“And where have you been for the past week, Ronald Weasley?” She inquired.

“Oh, er �" Things got a little crazy. Work’s been murder, mum.” He managed to choke out.

“I’ve been worried sick about you! I thought I’d have to send someone to make sure you were still alive!”

“Mum, calm down. I’m here now. How have things been?”

Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips and said, “Fine.” She then turned to Harry with a softer expression.

“So I hear you’ve caught Aerope? Congratulations, dear. Arthur and I have been worried, if he’d Imperiused children, there’s no telling what he’d do next.”

She pulled Harry into a tight hug, then turned to Hermione.

“Why, Hermione, you look positively tired!” She said, her voice filling with concern.

“Have you been getting enough sleep? Enough to eat?”

Hermione felt a rush of warmth spread through her. Even if Mrs. Weasley’s concerns were a little unreasonable, it was still nice to have someone care.

“I’ve been doing fine, Mrs. Weasley. Just a fair bit of work, is all. I’m sure I’ll be fine after a nice meal.”

Mrs. Weasley beamed at her, then moved out of the way so the three could enter.

© 2011 Riley

Author's Note

I'd like you guys to bear with me on all of these British terms -- I'm not British, and I'm attempting to write like a British author. I may fail dismally at it, but just try to look past it.

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I think you're doing pretty well. I'm actually a big fan of fanfiction because the wider spectrum of alternate lives the characters can have. I never really thought of a Hermione fanfic though, so I'm interested to see where you plan on taking this.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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My name is Riley, and I'm sixteen. I have been writing since I was about eleven, and I've loved doing so ever since. I relaly hope to become a writer when I grow up. more..

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