Mystery Me

Mystery Me

A Poem by G.W. Milton

I have no idea why I like this so much, but I guess it doesn't matter. Not much to describe. See if you can do better.


Mystery Me

The sun sets in the horizon

The moon begins to glow

A ghastly eeriness besets the land

Dark slate-grey clouds whirl up from the darkened sky

Pale white stars light the path


Welcome to the inverted world

Home of the wandering one

The inquisitive dreamer of dreams,

epitome of imagination, 

philosopher of time, 

watcher.....of the universe


His steps are light

His breaths silent

The path he walks is empty

Visions of past, present, and future appear in the minds eye


This eternal asker of questions

The inquisitive dreamer is silent in his investments 

His quest will never be complete

This is a path he and only he may walk


And so for all of eternity

This whispery shadow

Foretold in lore and referenced in history

Will be on this path of knowledge


For even in the unknown, a little knowledge is great power...

© 2010 G.W. Milton

Author's Note

G.W. Milton
Just to tell you, this is like the second editing that i've done to this, as I am constantly updating and editing my poems, so yeah. It gets better.

My Review

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This is great. It doesn't sound like a poem with a distinct meaning or message, more like a collection of insights and images. Every line sounds balanced with the rhythm and the words, the descriptions are lovely. I like the last line, though it may sound better without two "even"'s.

All in all, very nice work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 4, 2010
Last Updated on October 6, 2010
Tags: Mysterious, dreadful


G.W. Milton
G.W. Milton

Powder Springs, GA

I'm a poet. I'm a writer. I use words to express myself. They can be truthful. They can be lies. You decide which. more..
