Alien Castaway Seeks Asylum from Earthlings

Alien Castaway Seeks Asylum from Earthlings

A Poem by RuseInex

Alien has crash landed upon Earth has invisibility cloak as awaiting rescue from home planet

I miss my world, my cities
miss my spacecraft, waiting rescue
from planet called Earth
dust covers buildings’ roofs, 
paint cracked faded
billboards as they are called
rise bleakly, torn, blistered
advertising mix of subjects
rise in midst of tangled wires
over every street, high voltage 
twisted, dark wires
for earth communications
litter the sky above

I miss my world, my cities
where moisture is abundant
fine rains
cities sparkle, our buildings translucent
transparent spun gold
paint is unknown there, 
our colors comprised of electron hues
tints are pastels 
they glow in light of our eternal star
not so far as Earth sun, just perfectly near
no scorching of skin, plant leaves or air
no clutter on streets, no asphalt cracked
our roads are of glittering glass

I miss my world, my cities
there’s violence here on this
Earth planet 
some human creatures have 
others have not
hunger and vice 
night filled with fear
humans scream, fight, kill
I am glad to be cloaked with invisibility

I miss my world endowed with peace,
my world provides for all
all have, all share their love
there are no prisons, hospitals or mind clinics
eternal day rules the night

I miss my world where no one dies
sickness and pain do not abound

I miss my world nature filled
air is clear no storm or destruction
where nature has wrath
tornado earthquake tsunami or hurricane
do not exist
I long for freedom and peaceful bliss
help is coming take me back
to my world
In this world I perceive humans 
they are like prey, their safety 
always at risk 
security cameras at every turn
like scales of a fish 
reconnaissance cameras
line every crevice, cranny 
and nook 
where business is held, 
where earthlings dwell
their peace officers, some are violent
they too wear cameras
where business is held
and homes where they live, 

I miss my world, rescue is lagging
Earthlings harassed
IRS, delinquent bills, unruly road rage
combative neighbors turfed within fences,
media data bombard earth souls with
terror events, 
theft of funds at times occurs
marketplace called Dow, Ponzi
scheme they call destroy economy
rise and fall recover again
earth dwellers call greed
we know no greed

I miss my world, I wish to go home
my invisibility cloak clings tightly to my skin
my eyes search this earth sky
internal transponder hums perpetually
await my world’s rescue
Earth planet use of petrochemical technology
pollution of sky, fossil fuels prevail
though other clean energy means available
Hydrolysis, . . . 
I fear our race cannot befriend these earth people
searched Earth media discovered YouTube
viewed film: The Day Earth Stood Still
Alien visitor attempted friendship
technology share
though alien in film benevolent
fear by humans unjustified
his destruction imminent
self defended
saw what they did to King Kong
earthling fight global scale,
country, city, home
threat of wars at the drop of a look,
word, territorial move is all it took
first war, second, third one imminent
their history shows
saw what they did to John the Kennedy,
Robert, M the Luther, 
too many to count
politician earth priests helpless to save

I miss my world
invisibility cloak will remain until rescue arrives
transports me home 150 light years away
my compassion for earthlings is strong
would that I could 
wish I could warn
materialize and instruct
saw what they did to Jesus the Christ

I fear for my life

© 2015 RuseInex

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Added on November 30, 2015
Last Updated on November 30, 2015



Fresno, CA

I was born in obscurity Outside a small country town’s limits In a plank shack I kept a few memories That come into my head That i still carry around That i visit now and then The dust .. more..

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