

A Poem by RuseInex

romantic anniversary words of long time married couple

I walked with her on the beach today
soft sand, crisp air
you cannot find in the industry of city
I walked with her and she held my hand
the wind at our back, the surf of waves as far as the eye could see

away from the crowds
who always want a piece of you
and glad for it

a time of respite
a time to talk 
to regenerate
over 39 years i have known her
in this thing called marriage

She was pleasant and enjoyed the view
and being with me
husband, lover, handyman, 
daddy, paramour, friend and 
at times

anniversary occasion
and then she sprung the unexpected:
“i’ve got something to talk about,
you’re not gonna like it.”
My heart went cold,
my mind went blank
with anxiety of what was to come . . .

a doctor’s diagnostic?
a grim report involving a death?

“I feel i can’t trust you anymore.”

silence from me, unprecedented
given my general usual talkativeness

“. . . . ever since that incident of infidelity
i have issues with you and i’m trying to get over it.”

“as i’ve told you before, i am who i am
i am a man overtaken at times by the female form
i know there are boundaries 
i know right from wrong
i know the parameters that can bring a man down
of temptation and lust
and how groovy and cool 
a thing so popular on every media page and 
electronic device.”

“It would be so easy for our relationship to be destroyed, if you let it.”

“i know,” I responded, “our society is at the flick of a button
able to see the forbidden of flesh
young ones included, 
teachers in court and in jail
i know the draw and the pull 
of candy for eyes
my scruples and convictions of life
are to life untainted by vice and raw sin
it means much and little to me”

“you are my precious and only
none will i let to come between us.”
I was dying inside.

She remained silent and walked by my side.

“though outdated, unpopular and shunned 
by those that submit

but for my own sake
and yours, i will and have overcome
concentrate my strength and passion to live
for higher ordered things of beauty and grace

i will forever embrace you in arms 
and heart of love
and strive to live on 
the path of rectitude
remember forgiveness and what He has done
for me and for you, your own merit hood

i am but mere mortal, weak and forlorn,
but with the next step i’ve taken i strive for the prize
that is to aspire to rise to the call
of walking with you on this beach 
on this day 
and committing to live and die
by your side.”

we walked our way on the beach
we rested and talked of our past
and our future
all our days and acceptance 
the end could be near
let us always love each other

i helped her up slopes of sand 
as she puffed and gasped for air
her 59 years combined with mine
as i helped with my arm still strong
62 years on earth

we labored and laughed,
discussed the weather and each other
and our children
we walked, 
returning to our 
anniversary resort room, 
we made love and smiled 
as we shared drink and food
“Happy Anniversary Darling”
and slept in the same bed.

© 2015 RuseInex

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 2, 2015
Last Updated on December 2, 2015



Fresno, CA

I was born in obscurity Outside a small country town’s limits In a plank shack I kept a few memories That come into my head That i still carry around That i visit now and then The dust .. more..

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