Encounter of Roads

Encounter of Roads

A Poem by Spencer Barker

Darkness descended, 
the light of morning playing across the ledges. 
Trees, greens, all was quite serene. 
Passing of day, 
the sun did it lay, 
then night came and it was to stay. 
The brushing of blades along the road, 
swaying, invisible to the night, 
not to the light. 
But a set of two,
approaching quickly. 
They rode the night, 
daring an escape.
They approached, 
nothing else in the window, 
but them. 
Inch by inch the lights grew, 
a monster in the window, 
its features askew. 
I wished them to go, 
but they must not, 
as they have not yet finished their job. 
A panting, a quickening of speed left my lips, 
the fear flooding through, 
the leavings from real to dream. 
The lights would not go. 
So I pulled over. 
It had followed me. 
The speed of shot, the racing of heart, 
did the engine ignite its last play. 
A roaring of utter despair, 
the shaking came to the chair. 
The driver, it's teeth illuminated by it's own shining devil. 
The face that seemed all too eager, smiling it's own enjoyment, 
laughing to the sound of it's own breath. 
I looked back once more, 
and the lights grew so close. 
The dark came behind again, 
The moonlight played off the road, 
and then nothing else but a toad. 

© 2016 Spencer Barker

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Added on March 18, 2016
Last Updated on March 18, 2016
Tags: Horror, Poetry, Scary, Monsters, Terror