The Professional Divorce Planner, LLC.

The Professional Divorce Planner, LLC.

A Chapter by SK Covey

The How~To Guide for Women: Learn Skills to Avoid "Low~Life Crooks"


SK Covey, in her third book, takes us with her back in time to her life in what is simply explained

as a nightmare.  She introduces us to divorce. Not usual divorce you see; this is divorce which is birthed,

planned and then executed.  As you are none the wiser, the birthing and planning take place before you ever

meet the partner.  Her experience lets us tag along as she learns how she was robbed by a LLC., "Low~Life

Crook."  A new professional is lurking around girls/guys and their secret society is closed to you and me.

Learning she was nothing more than a business plan and venture to her husband, she will help with

this new short story to arm you with knowledge and ammunition against this up-and-rising con game.

Trying to make it easy, she includes lesson plans and offers clear cut examples, showing you skills to

help steer clear of the professional divorce planner, llc.


Due out soon


© 2009 SK Covey

Author's Note

SK Covey
Ignore grammar problems, please look at context only. Poor editing by publisher.

My Review

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This informative short story is again written in common terms and format. Made for the everyday person
to relate to. Story is educational and by all means terrific self help for anyone in a new relationship.
Ask the questions in the lesson plans and keep track of all your experiences with this new person.
Beware of the parasite and predator lurking around on the internet, streets, bars, next door, all
around; wanting to turn you into his business plan and business venture. Don't be robbed by this
up and coming con game.
Based on my own experience and challenges while finding love on a dating internet
Don't get stuck in rut with a serial mastermind of divorce, read before you take the leap.
SK Covey, writer

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 28, 2009
Last Updated on September 29, 2009


SK Covey
SK Covey

Spring, TX

Short Story writer/author. Published by PublishAmerica, who to date has been nothing but wonderful. I write about true life and the experiences we share while on this earth. The things we have so mu.. more..
