Simply You

Simply You

A Poem by Sad Penguin

For a friend who recently did something very sweet for me.

When I saw my gift 
A smile was quick to uplift
Your voice was swift
To help destroy the hatred I've built
You've alleviated my sadness with every strum
It was so unexpected with every word sung
Passionately expelled as the melodies left your lungs
You deserve a thank you
Not just any
While you deserve plenty
I hope this will do
Some say poems are what I do best
I started doing them to have a way to express
However, I guess it's how I should dress
You did something that wasn't easy
I saw your face
Your expressions
You exposed yourself cleanly
It's never easy to do that
Another reason it touched me so
I'm thankful you value our friendship so much
To trust opening your window
It's easy to wear a mask
It's easy to hide
To create barriers
Bury yourself behind pride
I'm very thankful you saw something in me
I see something in you as well
Something kind and gentle
Even though I still don't know you very well
I hope our friendship continues to blossom
As the seasons continue to change
Even though our lives may become hectic
Don't ever change

© 2012 Sad Penguin

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Added on September 30, 2012
Last Updated on September 30, 2012
Tags: Friendship, happiness, poem, poetry


Sad Penguin
Sad Penguin


I'm a male in my twenties who is currently going through a rough patch. More than two years ago, I have been diagnosed with the following: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, Agoraph.. more..
