They Looked Like Monsters To You?

They Looked Like Monsters To You?

A Poem by Sad Penguin

Inspried by the line from Silent Hill 3

There is a needle lodged inside
Thrusting like the hate of creative minds

Reality is simply a blur
I can't tell what's in front of me
Subtle sounds cause my mind to rupture
Is this real or simple capture

Impulses seem more like a daze
Obstructed visions cause morality to haze

What can I do when all I see is confusion
I feel around the ground for clues
Broken cuts help me continue to feel used

Dislodged sadness
You're no longer welcome
I can't understand where I am
So how would I know how to feel

I breathe in
Because it's the only thing I know
Without the significance of oxygen
The only reality I have will surely go

To toy with me so quickly
To shatter my perception of reality
With such a simple sentence
With child like admittance
I can't tell.....

Is this real
Or just my own personal hell

© 2013 Sad Penguin

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The character in the poem is trying to say that is surrounded by peers or opinions that does not agree with.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 26, 2013
Last Updated on August 26, 2013
Tags: Horror, Confusion, Poem, Poetry, Sadness, Fear


Sad Penguin
Sad Penguin


I'm a male in my twenties who is currently going through a rough patch. More than two years ago, I have been diagnosed with the following: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, Agoraph.. more..
