The Gate

The Gate

A Story by Sage of the River

A short story about freedom.....


 I sat down on my bed. It was another day of sadness. The same town, same school, and same s****y social problems. It was all getting old. My mother had said that I would never see the rest of the country because she couldn't afford. So I was stuck in the same place. I layed down. It was almost 10:00 and I didn't feel like staying up. So I layed down and went to sleep.




 The next morning, my alarm woke me up. It was yet another day that would never be any different. I brushed my teeth and sat down at the empty table for breakfast and turned on the t.v. The morning shows were one of my little favorites of each day. But sadly, the time to leave and catch the bus stop came and I gathered my backpack and jacket and headed to my bus stop.


 As I walked I noticed something weird. It was a sign that was marked "The Gate". I decided to check it out, not carring if I was late for school or not.  The sign marked the beginning of a path, so I followed it. The path led to through unusually dark forest. I looked at around, not wanting to blink because I had never seen any of it before.


 After about an hour of walking, the path finally came to an end. It was strange because I was still in the forest. There was gate where the path ended. Attached to it was a note. I opened the not not carring who it was for or why it was there. On it said: "Why stay in a place where you're not happy? You can just escape. Open this gate and you're free. Never to worry about the life you're leaving behind". And so I did it. When I opened the gate, the dark forest was replaced by a huge field. I walked through it, feeling my misery flow away like a breeze. I was free.

© 2010 Sage of the River

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I know the reasons behind this story, but unfortunately, I agree with foilist13. The character's life doesn't seem to have much detail or depth. The only reason we know is that she is 'sad'. That is not a very good word to describe his/her life. Please please please rewrite this. I know this shows how tough a time you are having but do explain the problems in this story.


Posted 14 Years Ago

I can't say I was a huge fan of this one.

The character doesn't have any depth to it. I simply know they are of school age, could be anything from elementary school to college. I don't even know the gender. The problems go without description and seem generic, and the final result of the field was unsatisfying.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 10, 2010
Last Updated on June 10, 2010


Sage of the River
Sage of the River


I guess I have 2 sides. I have a positive, happy, outgoing side and a negative, dark, careless side. I guess sometimes they clash. But I always try to take pride in who I am. Even though I carry the b.. more..
