A Choice to be Made

A Choice to be Made

A Poem by Sean Ethan Torres

got bored in night school and tah dah this is the product

Once, twice, three times is the the charm
One, two, three strikes your out
Swing and hit, swing and miss, fifty-fifty
Skyrocket to endless bliss, plummet to insanity, take a chance

A choice must be made

There's a creature, a monster, in my heart
keep it locked up, I die inside, and become the beast
Let him out, they all get hurt, and everyone suffers
Let you in, you'll get hurt, and that is my fear

A choice must be made

Once, twice, three times I failed
Once, twice, three times I've lost
My trial, my task, my judgement
You, I, we are all tested

A choice must be made

Make it

© 2011 Sean Ethan Torres

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Added on January 22, 2011
Last Updated on February 22, 2011
Tags: Choices, Trials, Tests


Sean Ethan Torres
Sean Ethan Torres

Tulare, CA

Use to be on a lot but lost password to old account. http://www.writerscafe.org/Twitch Link to my old poetry - - ^ about me . . . hmmm thats a very good question. Well I guess i can safely describ.. more..
