The Price of Sin

The Price of Sin

A Poem by LazerRays

A suicide poem

I wish I had jumped then...
So at least I would’ve-
If I had the courage
To raise a knife
And not a bottle
In the end I forget who I am
I guess that’s the price to pay
-For my sins

© 2020 LazerRays

Author's Note

Depression and the longing of death. Looking back on suicide attempts, wishing I had that courage to finish it.

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This is very self deprecating and masochistic, but I'm glad that you can release these emotions too. It is way better than acting on them.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Masochism is one of my best qualities hahaha 😁😁😂 thanks for stopping by!
light and ashes

4 Years Ago

Lol you're welcome
I like that you can release these emotions
keeping things bottled inside is no solution
I think everyone, at one time or other, thinks about suicide but more so the dreamer, who I consider being those more inclined toward the arts
I know of only one heart-broken friend that tried, came close, but couldn't quite pull it of.
Today he is a very happily married guy with a good life
In spite of the varying difficulties we all fact, life is good, so hang on to it because it is a one time only wonderful gift
J the B offers good advise

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind review, sir. It means a lot. We certainly can learn from our attempts
Very interesting poem. It is hard to forgive others sometimes.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Even harder to forgive ourselves. Thank you for your review

4 Years Ago

You're welcome! please read one of my newest poems!
before we can be forgiven by others, I think we have to forgive ourselves.
then maybe we won't need the knife or the bottle.
powerful write, Sarah.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Thank you Jacob, perhaps I’ll find that way haha.
A lot of darkness in this one. The poem implies alcohol abuse, the note, depression. The two often go together. The last two lines of the poem are disturbing. There is the suggestion that the situation is the price for sins. In my experience in working with depressed people, part of the disease is distorted thinking, wherein all of one's past mistakes are viewed as grave moral failings. This is most often not the case, but the illness makes it seem so. If you are having these feelings, please get help.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Yes, I do like my dark poems. I have learned to live with these thoughts all the time so I’m used .. read more

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15 Reviews
Added on April 13, 2020
Last Updated on April 14, 2020
Tags: Regret, suicide, depression



Spit truth, bleed emotion, fight for love

Old name: Sarah_Allen_Poe age: 20 I've been on this site since 2016. I've seen people come and go, and I've been dedicated to writing since 12. Years ago, this site was my everything. Those .. more..


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