A Short Story of Lily and Snape - Part II

A Short Story of Lily and Snape - Part II

A Story by Scandalous

A surprise makes Lily and Snape happier then anything


Part Two

I paced slowly, my long black cloak billowing out behind me. I was early as normal and awaiting Lily in our secret spot. The Room of Requirement had been transformed into a small sitting room with two comfy chairs and a large fireplace. The door opened silently and in walked a radiant Lily. Her smile seemed wider and her hair bouncier then normal. Her gorgeous green eyes sparkled vividly.


“Lily, my love, how is it that I hardly ever see that glorious smile?” She rushed towards me with her arms wide open. Oh how beautiful this woman was. As a sixth year I knew I was going to be with this woman for the rest of my life. I couldn’t live without her!


“Sev! Severus! Severus! I’m pregnant! I’m pregnant!!” The look on her face was so beautiful the shock melted from me.


My hands very timidly reached towards her stomach, which suddenly seemed rounder. The hard little knot pulled a smile so large on my face I could hardly worry about the fact I was to be an underage father. Holding Lily’s tummy and looking into her green eyes I was unafraid of what was in store for us. I knew we would make it. We had to!


*Two Months Later*

*Four Months Pregnant*


We were sitting on the couch in the shack Dumbledore had asked the gamekeeper to build for us. It was tiny, built far off beyond the gardens. It was cozy, tiny and warn. It was only two bedrooms and the nursery had been done in dark violet with stars painted just like those on the ceiling in the great hall. Our living room was painted an emerald green with burgundy chairs. We were to tell no one of this tiny shack and Dumbledore had been kind enough to conceal the pregnancy with some sort of jinx.


“Lily, have you thought of any names?” I was looking longingly at the tiny bump that only we could see. For a few seconds she sat to think.


“I like Harry. Maybe Amber if it’s a girl.” Her eyes looked quizzical.


“I think those are beautiful.” She looked exuberant. Her smile stretched across her face. Her eyes were brighter then I had ever seen them before and she leaned in to kiss me, it was the best kiss since the night we had lost our virginity together.


I was laying in bed, Lily was curled up to me, her bigger belly was making it harder for her nose to reach my chest so she now lay, spooning, against me. My hand was lightly on her belly. In just a few short months I would meet my beautiful son. At least - I hoped it was a son. I wanted a child to carry on my success in potions, my interests in the dark arts, the ability to master occlumency! Lily sighed and turned slightly. My hand was resting on her side. A thump hit my palm. Then another. Then another! I looked down at Lily, she seemed to be fast asleep! I couldn’t believe it! My baby - MY baby! Was kicking!


“I’ll be meeting you soon. Baby Harry.”

© 2010 Scandalous

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Added on August 29, 2010
Last Updated on August 29, 2010



Fuquay, NC

Im an erotics writer. I enjoy the passion that evaporates from the feeling people put in writing sex. Hope mine are good! more..

Smile Smile

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