My Forever Man

My Forever Man

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

I haven't written poetry in years, but I finally found my one and I wanted to write about it. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone, and I wanted you all to know . Don't be too harsh ?

The tears roll down my cheek ,
the pain is in my eyes ,
there's nothing left for me ,
no reason left to fight .

I am all alone ,
deserted yet again ,
I'm never going to find ,
my forever man .

I will never love again ,
I've tried , and tried , and tried ,
I'm always left alone ,
with tears , alone to cry .

But then I met you once ,
friends , we did become ,
the time together spent ,
I always thought was fun .

Slowly I learned you cared ,
and in me , feelings sprung ,
2 months was all it took ,
until we became more .

Closer we became ,
the more my love and fear grew ,
everyone I loved , I lost ,
but you , I have still .

You're all I ever wanted ,
and all I ever needed ,
You treat me better than I deserve ,
And you make me happier than I've ever been .

So now you're mine ,
and I am yours ,
I can now say I found ,
My Forever Man .

© 2013 AchingAlexandra

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what a lucky guy to have someone write so boldly and beautifully about them. great job.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 13, 2013
Last Updated on December 13, 2013
Tags: Love




I'm a really nice person, but I have a lot of issues. I love writing, it helps ebb the regular pain I have. First name: Courtney Middle Name: Alexandra I'm purely myself. I don't change to fit.. more..
