He's With Her

He's With Her

A Poem by AchingAlexandra

You told me I was special ,
someone you could grow to love ,
then you stabbed me in the back ,
by picking the other woman .

She's probably prettier ,
smarter , and kinder ,
she probably older ,
more experienced and wiser ,
she's probably funny ,
and more interesting to boot .

Whereas I'm nothing ,
not important , not to you ,
I'm probably fatter ,
and stupid , and mean ,
inexperienced and jealous ,
and dull for the end .

She is probably better ,
a nicer fit for you ,
where I'm a square ,
and you're a circle,
perfect and everything ,
and you don't fit my imperfections .

Even though I know that ,
all my friends will say your foolish ,
I know you were right in choosing her ,
for I'm a broken gift ,
and she's a silver package .

How can I go on ,
knowing that he had her ,
touched her , showed her he loved her ,
the same way he did me ,
but meant it with her ,
and lied to me ?

I'm just so hurt ,
my tears are bathing my cheeks ,
in proof of my pain ,
in show of my agony ,
I feel like no one can understand ,
not even if they've had it happen ,
I just can't stand ,
to be here anymore ,
knowing he's with her .

© 2012 AchingAlexandra

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great write, I relate with this a little more than I care to admit.

Posted 10 Years Ago

great poem lots of emotion and im guessing experience in this sort of matter???? in my opinion these traits that im naming equal success to a great poem good

Posted 12 Years Ago

Poignant , love lost.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Beautiful poem, yet very sad.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Sad, sorrowful words. No one can understand because no two circumstances are the same. Beautifully worded.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on April 10, 2012
Last Updated on April 10, 2012




I'm a really nice person, but I have a lot of issues. I love writing, it helps ebb the regular pain I have. First name: Courtney Middle Name: Alexandra I'm purely myself. I don't change to fit.. more..


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