

A Story by Shay33

Just a little tidbit about how it feels to go through conditioning for a sport...


As the warm perspiration cascades down my face, down into the crevices of my neck and underneath my shirt, I wonder if I will make it.  My lungs, expanding and contracting rapidly, feel as though they are going to explode.  My limbs feel like they are on fire.  I feel knots tightening in my legs.  That man, the one I love and hate, has that damned whistle in his mouth.  He is taunting us.  We anticipate his exhale, a breath that will send us sprinting down the floor once more.

            He exhales.

            Now, in motion, I focus my attention on nothing but the wall in front of me. 

            I’m a quarter of the way done.

            My legs, just recently scorching and filled with pain, seemed to have healed instantly.  Now, they are carrying me swiftly through the air.

            Halfway done.

            As I lean down to touch the line and turn around, I feel a small spark of relief.  I am halfway there.  All progress I make now is progress toward the end.  All the work I did previously, I can do now.  Then I can rest.  I can rest.  Rest.  Rest.

            Three-quarters.  Nearly there.

            I sprint the last few steps, eager to get to the other side of that lovely black line, signaling the cruncher’s completion.  I do not slow down, but instead stop myself by running face-first into the royal blue mat on the wall.  I feel relief.

            And now, again, with the perspiration cascading down my face, down into the crevices of my neck and even further underneath my sweat-soaked T-shirt, I wonder if I will make it.   

© 2010 Shay33

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a little tidbit, excellently written.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 11, 2010
Last Updated on March 11, 2010
Tags: sports, running, sweat, conditioning, basketball




Just love to write... and don't like sharing my writing with anyone I know in real life. Haha. I'm pretty open, accepting, opinionated yet open-minded, and pretty easy to get along with, if I say so m.. more..

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