American Freedom

American Freedom

A Poem by L.G. Knight


American Freedom
I waited in that crowd but you never came.
I looked all around and called out your name.
I looked and I looked but you just weren't there.
And when finally alone I just sat and stared.
I waited in that crowd but you never came 
I looked all around and called out your name
I looked and I looked but you didn't come
Tried to think of reason but could think of none.
I sent you off with a smile and a wave
Knowing in my heart you'd be back one day.
But I sat in that crowd and you never came,
not even when I called out your name.
I held up the sign and shouted out
I knew in my mind without a doubt
They had to be wrong and you'd come home
You wouldn't leave me all alone.
But I waited in that crowd and you never came,
Even when I called out and shouted your name.
Why'd you go away, why'd you fight?
Why'd you lay down your life?
Cause I know now that those word were true
You died in the line now what will I do?
Wave a flag from roof and show it with pride,
Hang a yellow ribbon to the side.
Let everyone know what my baby did
Do whatever it takes, don't let them forget.
‘Cause American freedom it don't come free
The cost is grieving loved ones like me.

© 2008 L.G. Knight

My Review

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a very lucidly written, and inspiring poem Frances...lets us know through short, crispy words the pain of alienation, the disaster inside the mind, that comes with the eternal waiting for someone close--that in turn takes us to a greater realization of the world around, and of our empty lives...keep going!
Thanks a lot for the review of my poem! Keep in touch!

Posted 16 Years Ago

I loved this piece. it really hits me close to home since my sister and brother in law are in the military i get scared too. i can relate to this a little because one of my relatives are lost in iraq right now but we pray that he'll be found safely.
thank you for writting such a beutiful piece. not everyone knows how hard it is to lose someone because of a war.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Overall a good read, keep up the good work and feel free to send me a request when ever..

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 8, 2008
Last Updated on April 2, 2008


L.G. Knight
L.G. Knight

Houston, TX

I am an International Bestselling Author of romance, but on here mainly publish poetry I write when the mood strikes. I started this account long before publishing my first book and am finding many th.. more..

Visions Visions

A Poem by L.G. Knight