Emotional Suicide

Emotional Suicide

A Poem by SJ Roebling

Emotional suicide 

a poem by SJ Sinister


Bleeding thoughts seep from my soul

The binding has come loose.

Like pages of an ancient book,

A slipping from the noose.


No more, I'm sure, of anything,

Not even what I see.                      

Yet is this mindset I do know,

It’s from myself, I flee.


The gears grind in my troubled brain,

Deaf ringing in my ears.

No basis for my loathsome thoughts,

No substance for my fears.


This feeling I can’t comprehend,

My mind sways to and fro.

The more I try to understand,

The less, it seems, I know.


Outside a shell of flesh I stand,

Oblivious to my pain.

Prefer to stay detached this way,

Lest I might go insane.


And grasp I will, my consciousness,

Lay waste to nothing less.

Tis’ from this place I dare evolve,

Into a great abyss.


SJ Roebling © 2008  (Shirley Petrandis)


© 2023 SJ Roebling

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Wow, this is the first poem from this site that really hit a spot, exactly how I feel. As if I penned it, bleeding from my own thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I was reading an anthology of tales called "Dark Love," -- apparently as a priming to read this. ;-) Seems that whether one thinks there's an "up,' or not, the primal tour is down, because we don't know anything till we know the psyche a bit, without judgment. This mortal life, after all, offers no solace in itself, and honest souls don't seek consolations, the papering-over of religions, for instance. Any good news has to be discovered cognitively, by unflinching descent into the abyss. I suspect good and bad, psychologically, are a matter of whether one grasps or accepts, and is fundamentally indifferent to the labels. Whether one thinks it's all downhill, or has a silver lining, it all starts with a detached acceptance of whatever one sees.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 15, 2008
Last Updated on September 23, 2023


SJ Roebling
SJ Roebling


My name is SJ Roebling, also known as Shirley Petrandis. I began writing at the age of 5, when I started piano lessons and creating my own songs. Reading, even at the earliest age, was one of my great.. more..

Jimin Jimin

A Poem by SJ Roebling