Neon Lights

Neon Lights

A Chapter by Robin Fernandez

When the night has come to loom over the city, a great number of unlikely people come together and party, with the rest of the city as their dance floor.

  The last bit of sun has gone away. The streets were slowly  becoming empty as the people became scarce.

  Everyone was going home. The day was over and it was time for the world to retire in their own homes so that they may be able to greet another day once the night had taken its' time. But, there were a 'certain' group of people who weren't included in the 'everyone'.

They usually roamed around the city, performing, begging, and when all else fails, they take matters into their own hands.

 They preferred to hide e away in the dark corners of the alleyways. Away from the tumult of the streets, the chatter of the populace. They kept to themselves, hidden in the dark. Lidded from the world and from everyone else.

 No one knows how they ended up there, nor how long they've been there. Nevertheless they were there. Fact is, they've always been there. We all just forgot...

  Movement had suddenly begun along the streets. Lights from passing cars, cast around the bodies that were now running on the sidewalk. Their shadows bounced off to the walls behind them and their shadows danced.. And danced...

  here were two friends among the crowd that were running as if their lives depended on it. They were not a couple, yet they loved each other. Just as they loved the people that ran around them.

 The girl...She turned head as she ran, her eyes catching with the boy's own. She was wearing a tiara veil upon her hair, and it glittered as it flew in the air, free like her tresses. Free like them.

 She only smiled as she felt the boy take her hand.

 They ran until the sky had turned black from dark blue, and the faintest of stars began to appear in the sky.

 There was so much joyful voices in that roof they all shared. Everyone was there, greeting everybody. Hugs were distributed all around, even some chaste kisses from the angel of ladies among them.

 A group of boys were huddled around a big box that was lying on the side. They were mischievously rummaging through it and giving away its' contents to their companions.

 Each one of them got a stick from the boys, all of which were a variety of colors that matched the outlandish hues their own clothes had.

 The couple, both took a stick, and everyone was beginning to shout as the night was about to begin. Hurriedly, everyone gathered around near the edges of the ledge. And as they looked out, a spark ignited in the distance...

 At that moment, all of them cracked the sticks in their hands, and dozens of lights filled the dark of the night. An array of colors there was.. Red, blue, pink, yellow, green, purple... It was a neon rainbow in the middle of the night.

 The roof of the building that they were standing on slowly began to vibrate. It was a club, the building that they were sharing, and they knew that people were beginning to gather inside it as they were now. Readying themselves for the night while the rest of the world fell asleep.

 A low hum was worming its way through the concrete, and they felt it. The sensation of a burning feeling swell up inside them. And they danced.

 With the sound of music echoing from below, they raised their hands in the air and began to wave their lights. And it was as if an equinox had suddenly and miraculously formed itself in the heart of the dark city.

 It wasn't just them. In several other buildings, not far from one another, many other groups of their kind were also together. With their own lights, and their own music, dancing and jumping together.

 None of them were related. But they knew who each of them was, and who they were to each other. And even though they didn't plan it, their dance and their lights moved and swayed in beautiful harmony and synchronization.

 As they danced, they would occasionally look up to the sky. A
 great number of stars had already begun to sparkle in the dark vast dome. They were small, and so far away, yet at the same time they filled the dark void. Together they brightened the night. Just like they did.

 While their merriment ensued, another selected group of their people were bringing out another box. This one was bigger and heavier. And instead of glow sticks, jiggling inside, it was a dozen of long and colorful fireworks.

 The boys began to line them up in the middle of the roof, making sure that they stood upright and didn't hit anything that would cause them any trouble. When they were all perfectly aligned, they quickly lit the wicks, and all eyes went back to the sky.

 At that moment, the girl in the veil took a moment to look at her boy companion. He felt the weight of her gaze and he looked back at her.

 No word was spoken between them, but their eyes shone with so many verses already they could've made up for decades of conversations. The boy smiled and took hold of her hand again, understanding exactly what she wanted but left unsaid.

 Holding her closer to him, they watched as the wicks disappeared and the explosives suddenly shot skyward.

 The moment the fireworks exploded, the group of friends began to out to the glittering sky and began dancing again. All hands with their beautiful lights were shaking, reaching for the Heavens. Shining with profound happiness and a sense of perpetual hope that they all shared together.

 In that very moment, while they jumped and jeered and laughed and danced, they all began to reminisce on how they came to be. How they came to find each other and be as they were now. But they didn't regret anything. Not how their lives ended, not what they had to do to keep it, and most definitely not each other.

 Because each other, was really what they treasured most.

 We common folk should be ashamed of ourselves. Here we are, the ones who have everything. And yet we still don't think it'd enough. People who have a house, ask for a mansion; people who have clothes buy new ones just to stay in fashion; people who are rich ask for more and take for those who have nothing. We never stop taking and taking.

 And yet, they, who have nothing at all, were the richest in the world.
We will probably never have the luxury that they do. To be content. To be satisfied with the mere few cents and pennies that they may earn that could buy them a simply sandwich and cup of water. To be happy with a small piece of cloth to shade them from the heat. To be content, with the company of their fellow-men

 We will never be like them... And this is the truth, that we have donned upon ourselves. A truth that will probably never change, and be just repeated over and over. A truth that upsets this world, but can never do a thing to change. A truth, that only those in the dark can see.

© 2017 Robin Fernandez

Author's Note

Robin Fernandez
Song: Kids in the Dark- All Time Low
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Added on January 16, 2017
Last Updated on January 17, 2017
Tags: drama, angst, friendship, family, dark, light, neon


Robin Fernandez
Robin Fernandez

Olongapo City, 3, Philippines

I'm weird, I think differently, I see things differently. I'm amazed by peculiar things, I can spend hours staring into space just looking at something that I find beautiful. I am weird, and weird is .. more..
