Clear and Loud

Clear and Loud

A Poem by Shivam Murari

A taunt on vain people who love bragging about themselves, specially those who are selfish and mean and refer others as that to hide their insecurity.


Clear and Loud



“I got this car, on my birthday,

What did you get?” Said the shade gray.

“Nothing too specific,” was my reply

Compared to the red Maserati with that guy

And this gave him another chance to sneer

Car keys in one hand, another had a beer.

He just needs a chance

To brag and feel proud

About things he didn’t buy

That is clear and loud.


“Can I touch it,” I heard a friend pray.

“But if something happens, you will have to pay.”

Burning in my belly was a fire red hot

When test seasons began, everything he forgot.

I want to seek a chance to show him that he is vain,

His car, his money, throw them all in drain.

Calling others names,

Your parents allowed

You are poor at other games

That is clear and loud.


Filled with self-importance, he is selfish and mean

Lies and frames others, insecurity is in his gene.

Stating like a chatterbox, cloaked in foolish gown,

Never does he succeed, put pulls others down

The car’s red will fade and so will his chauvinism

The truth will soon splash about his materialistic romanticism

So let me give you quid pro quo

Wrapping your hypocrisy in shroud

Your self-occupation will soon go

That is clear and loud.


You may think you are rich, but you are poorest at heart

The bird won’t see what it is shitting on, be it car or cart,

This money, this attitude and cheapness go hand-in-glove

What will be left out is what you earned with love

You may hide your weakness in the cloak of show off

When you will stand on your feet, nothing will be left off

You will realize all of it

When you will stand alone in the crowd

The cloth will be too large to knit

That is clear and loud.

© 2013 Shivam Murari

Author's Note

Shivam Murari
First off, apologies for the hiatus. There was no net connection for around 30 days so I was not able to answer the Read Requests. I will soon get to the 1000 RRs which have accumulated.

I think there is a particular disorder in marginally few people in this world of bragging. It is still acceptable when the person speaking earns the money, but those who tantalize on their parent's money are worse. It gets even worse when the psychopath learns to be hypocrite, selfish and mean to others. Waiting for more? Well then comes the category of the countable few who inspire this poem. Along with bragging, being selfish and mean, these people call others as selfish to hide their insecurity. I know one such pitiable person.

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I stay away from such persona.. I hate such show off and self centered we call them. This is really amazing, We do have such people around who keep showing off their richness and money centeredness.
I strictly boycott such people and move on, You need to be rich with papers?
You must be rich with heart and speech you utter :)
Wonderful narration Shivam my brother :)
Ultimate pictures you attached and made this worth :P
Specially that Crow Pic Buaahahahahhahahahaha that made me laugh out loud :D

Thank you so much for such an eye opener ;)
- Singh :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Watched Chennai Express?
Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

The 100 cr in 3 days phenomenon?

10 Years Ago

(No offense)Sorry but its not my choice - SRK + Deepika Hopeless... If any movie creates or cross an.. read more


LOL I can imagine the bird in that picture having a squeaky sort of voice xD I love it it's funny and puts the bragger in his place. Very well done! Great for a laugh but very meaningful too. ^^

Posted 10 Years Ago

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Thanks a million Bluefire! I am glad you like it :)

10 Years Ago

No problem. ^^

10 Years Ago

No problem. ^^
aint that the truth. Doesn't matter how high and mighty the ride, a bird can be the great equalizer.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Indeed! A bird, who we don't ever care about, is fairer in practice than the judge!
These types are the most insecure. They have to hide under coats of shiny red paint and layers of crisp dollar bills. No one sees the real person and not many care. The dollar signs are flashing in their eyes. Give me honest, real (poor) people any day! Nice rant, Shivam. Angi~

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Indeed! Just by flaunting a cloak that doesn't exist, won't make anyone have the invisibility cloak!.. read more
I like your style my man ! The crow isn't fussy who's head it deposits on, nor indeed who's car!

And that's a Fact !

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Indeed it is! Thanks for the review!!! :)

10 Years Ago

Pleasure indeed !
Those type of people are the most lonely in life because of their haughty attitudes. Great work here. You've proven a valid point within this clever write. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

And the person is indeed alone. both in reality and in his dream world!
I totally agree to what VikrantSingh Parmar said..

Showing off for things that can only give you outer peace.. and no where near your inner peace....

People say that money can buy everything.... but they don't get it those things are temporary things..

The things which we most need in our life are free..
Our Parents Blessing..
A special and Loved one to be with us for eternity..
Our Siblings who don't need any special reason to irritate in most beautiful way..
Friends to make us laugh when we think there is no smile left..
Some prayers for strangers..

:) :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

"The things which we most need in our life are free.. "

You deserve a standing ovation .. read more

10 Years Ago

..hehe.. :P
I didn't see you standing at all Shivam :P
Give me a Roadie Salute..!! :D
"You may hide your weakness in the cloak of show off".....I so love this line, it speaks volumes indeed. Excellent write.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much :)
I have been around these arrogant people many times. They are annoying, self-centered and over-bearing to others they perceive as lower than them. Eventually, through their own faults, a time will come when they will suffer. It's only a matter of time. You've made your anger apparent in this and many people agree. Good writing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Thanks a lot Relic!
"Filled with self-importance, he is selfish and mean
Lies and frames others, insecurity is in his gene."
I agree with the logic of the poem. People given everything. Appreciate nothing. A wise parent ensure children know what hard work is and show them what success truly is. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

So true great pet and great thinker. Parents shall ensure their children know the value of hard work.. read more
This made me laugh out loud at work! I love it, yet the message is so true. Materialistic gain has no value compared to the priceless gains found through the heart. I love how it is a topic we all can relate to yet, you balance humor, with intellect and remain extremely authentic. Nice work.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Shivam Murari

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I am glad you liked my work :)

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40 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 13, 2013
Last Updated on October 26, 2013


Shivam Murari
Shivam Murari


Shivam Murari is a student, currently aspiring to get into a good college. He loves to write poems, loads of them. He usually gets very random ideas, which he thinks are pretty cool, and in the proces.. more..


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