World of Sin

World of Sin

A Poem by Katharine Eilene

Based upon a song I had heard as a child.

I'm looking for the forest of gluttony,
A place with wolves of greed.
Help me look,
For I am hurt,
Within my dying fantasies.

I'm looking for the season of envy,
Where the fairies of thieves' play.
Help me look,
For I am crying,
Within my dying fantasies.

I'm looking for the river of sloth,
Filled with stars of vanity.
Help me look,
For I am singing,
Within my dying fantasies.

I'm looking for the city of lust,
Enchanted and bewitched with dreams,
Help me look,
For I am running,
Within my dying fantasies.

I've found it,
I've found it,
My world of sin.

Help me,
Help me,
For I am now entangled,
Within my dying fantasies...

© 2011 Katharine Eilene

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Featured Review

I love this poem. The repetition is perfect for this poem. I love the words you've chosen to describe you dying fantasies. It's an enjoyable read, relation can be accomplished, and it's wonderful. The captured image was lovely, and this poem is well written. Nothing wrong I'm seeing. Excellent write :)


Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Loved the fantasy elements to this poem it was very well written with strong emotions another great read well done

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very good imagerys, this poem was an excellent read!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love this poem. The repetition is perfect for this poem. I love the words you've chosen to describe you dying fantasies. It's an enjoyable read, relation can be accomplished, and it's wonderful. The captured image was lovely, and this poem is well written. Nothing wrong I'm seeing. Excellent write :)


Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 17, 2011
Last Updated on January 17, 2011
Tags: sin, gluttony, fantasy, lust, city, dying, sloth, envy, greed


Katharine Eilene
Katharine Eilene

Indianapolis, IN

Oh my. Here I'm supposed to say what I'm like, who I am, and what you are probably going to want to know about me. It's not that easy. How about I just give you some random info? I'm a private.. more..


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