Experimental Insertion to a possible story plot

Experimental Insertion to a possible story plot

A Story by Katharine Eilene

Experimental insertion to a possible story plot


“That blinding light…” The old man clenched tightly to his crutch as he leaned on one side in thought.

I didn’t want to interrupt him, but I just had to know. “…You wouldn’t happen to know what it is do you?”  He stared strangely at me and I felt like I was reaching for a false hope.

“It was a mythical creature. A deity so sacred that only the purest of souls may see it’s true self. A monster so terrifying that you can never turn away…” He started to drift on in thought.

“Please tell me. What creature was it?” I just had to know. I was saved by this light, this hope. I must go and seek it out.

As he opened his mouth to tell me a most sacred secret, he clutched his heart with his right hand and fell to the floor. Everyone attending his retirement party swarmed around as I sat unmoving. I was so close. I had almost learned the truth. But I don’t believe that I ever will…

© 2011 Katharine Eilene

Author's Note

Katharine Eilene
Any ideas on what I can make with this?

My Review

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An epic or a satire. Or a good old-fashioned "story of the Supernatural". A hoax with a crime behind it... anything, enfin. These are all genre-ideas, each capable of endless branching and mingling and variance.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 17, 2011
Last Updated on January 17, 2011
Tags: experimental


Katharine Eilene
Katharine Eilene

Indianapolis, IN

Oh my. Here I'm supposed to say what I'm like, who I am, and what you are probably going to want to know about me. It's not that easy. How about I just give you some random info? I'm a private.. more..
