Our Story

Our Story

A Poem by Siddartha Beth Pierce

There was a girl and a boy

who lived very far from one another

their essences traveled from one side of the world

to the other in waves of elation, delight-

waves faster than the speed of sound,

they traveled though ethereal space and time

into one another's embrace

rising to one another as the Phoenix

as their astral bodies melded into a unity

that physical bodies could not equal-

it was a melding of sweet revelation

where no words needed to be spoken

as a million things were said without speaking a word.


They felt transcending, pure, unequivocal, absolute happiness

as they never knew before,

so great, so pure was their happiness

that they were dreadfully scared of spoiling it

in any way, lest it would burst

like a bubble, so they knew not whether they

would ever meet in real life yet they held hope

that one day they might gaze into one another's eyes,

see a vision of each other's souls.


They looked forward with barely controlled excitement

to gazing deeply into, tasting one another

perceiving a vision of paradise and escstasy there

which in turn would bring them closer to divinity

a sweet paradise on earth-

they couldn't keep their hands from one another

would kiss, lick, gaze deeply into one another's eyes

all day and night long

as their minds' eyes met as One

they spun into the Universe in electric azure blue

while their simultaneous orgasm lasted for eternity,

filling the entire cosmos with its energy,

its bliss creating supernovas, shooting stars

within space and time while

his ejaculata became the nebulae

her seed became the stars.


Together these birthed a new galaxy

amidst the cosmos as their cries of ecstasy

reverberated through the space time continuum

forever and ever joining the infinite

wisdom of the planets and galaxies beyond

as their Love became the Universe

the Universe became Them,

their love gave birth to the Universe

the Universe gave birth to Them

and in the Beginning was the End

in the End was the Beginning.


© 2008 Siddartha Beth Pierce

My Review

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Sidartha.. this speaks to every readers soul.. of gods and goddesses divine in their own making-
creation being the catalyst for what affection abounds in stars.. the nebuala skies of eternity
i enjoyed the way your passion sends chills through the body..percieving celestial heights.. with ambition
describing the cosmic throes of ecstacy in painted prose.. revealing what becomes of "stardust"

ethereal romance.. your metaphysical projections wisp auras with magical winds.. the way distances
come together when two souls look at the moon simultaniously.. describing desire unbound..
traveling- reaching- enlightening space and time..to what becomes of revelations.. loved this

Posted 16 Years Ago

7 of 7 people found this review constructive.


In the Stream: I quote myself: Alive in the Stream.

I truly can't explain. I had wrote a most wondrous piece I'd thought. I add one last piece art an it left... I can never repeat it. I will be very brief at it has left me quite exhausted. Loss can go there. I sigh.

[in electric azure blue], the color of pre-orgasm. Your piece is the Stream The Prose of Physical embodiment and release to Nine... ah I understand now. AHHHH, ha. I smile. I rub out my numbers. Yes I gave you perfection. It need no reward. I smile [] [] Again. You see, what ~~~~~ I told of this piece you already realize your~ U ~ Awareness. Is written there above me. Yet, I'll arrive at my climax, if I may. Your sum total is the circle eight. The Morning Star. The physical pattern of the cosmology of the All. In Evermore. Here we stand on the precipice time...

The aerial, the climax the conception of life and physical existence. The experience of this realm. Opportunity to seek that arrival. This Prose piece that I remind is not classical poetry. In truth it is Stream Consciousness of the Divinity. Look again at opportunity as words play their game... OPERATIVE UNITY. [ in the End was the Beginning. ]

Full circle you've arrived and stand to face Nine. Spiritual Reality, a Nineteenth letter of Perfection. To be in alignment with Center. Attain Balance an be at ONE with the ALL in Everything.
Stream Consciousness IS. Poetry is BE-ing observed.
Be true to self and Live the Prose and write. Poetry. In Harmony...
Where it sings with Angels.
in balance
Light &

Peace a wave. I met a woman, Gypsy Dancer... her eyes

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A beautiful story. I love the myths and stories that create great change. You took me on a trip in your words. I like it all. Ending was very good. Thank you for the outstanding poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thats it I will never refer to myself as a poet. This is pure poetry! This is a piece of art that visually is describing love as bigger than life itself. The earth can't hold true love in. I am simply amazed at your romancing of the english language.

its bliss creating supernovas, shooting stars
within space and time while
his ejaculata became the nebulae
her seed became the stars.

Pure poetry!

their love gave birth to the Universe
the Universe gave birth to Them
and in the Beginning was the End
in the End was the Beginning.

Pure talent!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Beautiful! I couldn't help but picture in my mind a wonderful photo of the colliding galaxies I've seen. The dance and embrace that photo portrays! Astonishing piece of poetry here. Absolutely Magnificent!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nice poem...

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well you have just about summed up how we all arrived here on mother earth, i was so impressed with your imagination, you have a fantastic mind very clinical in it's precision and also one which expresses humor as it should be told,your sexual persuasion of the developements and how a couple who have never met and fallen in love could in some ways influence the birth of the universe was both dramatic,evocative,arousing,loving and thought provoking, i found myself imagining that i was in that universe at the time of my birth and that indeed is how we all evolved,(would you adam and eve it?
Your eloquence and profound use of words was both dynamic and persuasive and inteligent lady with a masssive interllect.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Reminds me of the French story about the Little Prince, Sid. THAT is a great poem for a black and white mini book. With sketches.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Than you for entering my contest. This is a very interesting read. I agree with the previous statement in that your vivid imagery and ability to stir the reader's emotions is uncanny. This piece reminds me of the creation story within many ancient mythologies in which the universe came into being much as you described, through the intercourse of divine entities spewing forth life. This is a very creative piece. Thanks again for entering my contest and God bless!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I loved this, this is a most amazing write here. This is not only a poem but a story that just flows.
Such a truth write this is, it really summed it all up at the end so very true, this is simply amazing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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This is a poem melted together with a story, truly powerful and vital, this brings us to a adventurous journey we wish that would never end. Although I think there are abit too many elements link to space and astrology, this still is amazing work!
thank you!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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106 Reviews
Shelved in 12 Libraries
Added on June 13, 2008
Last Updated on September 25, 2008


Siddartha Beth Pierce
Siddartha Beth Pierce

Richmond, VA

Artist, Poet, Educator, African and Contemporary Art Historian more..


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