It's time

It's time

A Poem by Tolu

This is about a place I've been in and still in and how it feels to be in that state.

It's time. Out of nowhere like a thief in the night. You see the people around you laughing and enjoying every second of their happy lives. While you're suffering on the inside begging for someone to deliver you from this vivid dream, but all that comes out is a silenced scream. 5 minutes is all it takes for the world around you to feel like it's about to be switched off. Like the person ruling over your life could just decide your fate in those matter of seconds. Those terrifying seconds or minutes that feel more like centuries and decades. In those frozen moments I gather my knife and I stab through my chest to dig out the only piece of life left in me. All people see is the quiet girl but if they knew that I was screaming at the top of my lungs. To let you know death is near my death is near but it's not it never is. My depression will continue to let its self in through my brain and soak it with its poison. To let it's friend anxiety take over my life to convince me that life is only a fog of an all too familiar dream but don't worry I know I sound crazy. I'll just close my eyes to see the darkness that always seemed to calm me but now it's too late. The life I've learned to love has shot me in the back now I have to learn how to walk through the broken glass. Finally, the screaming has dimmed, but it's only a matter of time before the light bulb gets fixed.

© 2017 Tolu

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Added on July 5, 2017
Last Updated on July 5, 2017
Tags: poetry




Writing is way for me to get out of my head and see what I'm actually feeling inside. It's personal but worth sharing. more..
