![]() How to Hear: * GOD! *A Story by Silencer![]() 20+ ways to Hear GOD!![]() VERY IMPORTANT: Go here now, before reading another word. I'll fix this document, later. Thank-you! / //////// GOD speaks through our surroundings. How to Hear: * GOD! *Prayer is a two-way street. Another name for this document could be, "How to Listen to GOD." About half of all people, don't believe in GOD. Out of the half that do, about half of them don't talk to GOD. Out of the half who do, about half of them don't want to hear GOD. But if you're one who would like to, here's how to listen. Sometimes telling the truth can be inconvenient for me. If you have trouble believing anything in here, (0, 18, 19,) then just believe the rest. John 14:23: Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. The closer you get to GOD, the better your life is. There are no relationships you'll cherish more. Seeing (discerning) feedback from GOD all around and inside of you, in your daily life, makes life much more interesting and exciting and fun! And it is also a serious matter. After you finish reading this, try to remember some of the things in it, and apply them as you notice them in your life. You'll be surprised how easy it is to pick-up on what GOD is telling you. And before long you will be tuned-in and hearing GOD like never before. Your conversation with GOD, is part of a relationship. Over time you will learn what sorts of questions you can easily ask GOD, and what sorts of questions are better not asked. You can ask GOD anything and get clear answers using these methods, but it's complicated. For examples: "Where is Jimmy Hoffa buried?" Or, "Where is such-and-such missing person?" GOD often answers questions using information in your head, often from the Word also. If it isn't there, HE doesn't have it to Work with, to tell you. In other words, you often need to know the answers, or enough details to form them. If you ask GOD to tell you the value of Pi, HE will tell you to "Google it!" Or say "22/7." Really. Mark 10:15: Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” This is written for a young child. How to Hear: * GOD! * 0. You *talk* to GOD, *all* the time! 1 Thessalonians 5:17: pray without ceasing, FATHER (Jehovah,) (SON) Jesus, and HOLY SPIRIT (Mary.) [Mary is the Mother of Jesus. (See #7, to confirm this for yourself.)] 1. "Written!" 2. "Your Conscience!" 3. "Connections!" 4. "Scriptures!" 5. "Attention!" 6. "Glancing!" 7. "The HOLY SPIRIT!" 8. "Birds!" 9. "Music! GOD DJ's!" 10. "Thoughts!" 11. "Voices!" 12. "Directly!" 13. "Letters Mean Words!" 14. "Typos!" 15. "Everything!" 16. "Remembering!" 17. "" 18. "Phone Call!" 19. "Eyelashes!" ~ 1. "Written!" Read the Bible. The HOLY BIBLE is called the WORD. GOD, wrote it! [The Bible contains stories about GOD's prophets which contain Proverbs and life lessons, and also contains teachings directly from Jesus. You may notice, that GOD often causes us to open our Bibles to the very page we're looking for.] 2. "Your Conscience!" Your conscience is from GOD, to guide you. It'll stop working when you get older, unless you keep it up with the Bible! [The consciences of many people aren't working, because they've been out of touch with the WORD for so long.] 3. "Connections!" When you read the Bible, you'll think of things in your own life that are related. It's GOD, bringing those things to your mind! [Suppose you just gave someone a gift, and you feel sad because nobody has given you a gift recently. Then in the Bible you read, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."] 4. "Scriptures!" 'Hearing, comes by the WORD of GOD.' "HE will bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." If any scripture comes to your mind that you didn't think up, (it's unexpected,) it is GOD, speaking to you, and it applies to whatever thinking, or situation, that you're doing! [Suppose you're in some situation, any situation. Say for example, you need to get an hours’ worth of housework done in 15 minutes. And then the following comes to your mind: "Let all things be done decently and in order." That is a scripture. That is GOD, telling you HIS thought about it. (HE knows your thinking, etc.) Or conversely, HE might remind you of, "Redeem the time." This might imply the opposite unction, for you to rush. You must hear a lot of Word for this to work, so that HE has some vocabulary to work with. This is the method of how to hear GOD to focus on most, to eventually hear GOD clearly in your head. (Our brains compute 'spoken' words. When you read, you 'say' the words in your head. So by reading, you can 'hear' the Word.) Then you just need to notice, when GOD is bringing scriptures to your mind, for you to apply to your situations.] 5. "Attention!" When talking with GOD, (sometimes you may notice HE moves your eyes,) things that you 'notice', are things that He might like you to think or talk about, in relation to your conversation. You'll find that GOD is often, pointing things out to you! If you ask GOD to show you something, HE will! [Suppose you say to GOD, "I don't know if I should work or play right now.", and then your attention is directed toward one of those activities.] 6. "Glancing!" The next time you're talking with GOD, near a book or computer screen, ask Him to "Glance" you, then glance at it, making a note of what word or words you saw first. Those words, will be GOD's input, about your conversation! (GOD may also glance you when you haven't asked HIM to. Try to be attentive, when that happens.) [Suppose you're talking to GOD and you ask "What can I expect from this situation going forward?", and then you glance at a screen, and you notice, "slow happy". GOD may also answer indirectly, by causing you to glance at a word, that gives you a related thought, which indicates the answer.] 7. "The HOLY SPIRIT!" (You get the HOLY SPIRIT, by asking FATHER for THEM! Expect THEM after you wake-up.) If the HOLY SPIRIT confirms something, then that is a "Yes." and if not, then that is a "No." And, the HOLY SPIRIT, *always* responds! (And, this is just the beginning, of your *unlimited*, possibilities with GOD!) [It's easy and fun to ask the HOLY SPIRIT "Yes" or "No" questions. "Should I wear this shirt today?" "Would this be the better choice?" "Will that situation end well for her?" "Is this correct?" "Should I act now?"] 8. "Birds!" Proverbs teaches that birds don't wander by, without a reason! After reading this, I saw more birds than I've ever seen. And when I drive, they seem to fly all around me, the whole way. Look for them! [Seeing birds brings you joy, and can act as a confirmation about what you're talking about with GOD. Seeing a bird can tell you everything you need to know at that time.] 9. "Music! GOD DJ's!" "Whatsoever you ask in my Name I will do it for you." GOD controls random numbers. Put any music on random, ask GOD to DJ, and click Next! Usually, the song Titles are the message, but sometimes, a part of the song is instead. You'll be able to tell which it is, by what you're talking about with GOD! [GOD enjoys all kinds of music. You'll find that as you listen with GOD, over time you'll begin to choose songs that HE enjoys more.] 10. "Thoughts!" GOD showed me, that many of the thoughts that I have, that I think are my own, are actually instead from Heaven. You cannot tell, unless He shows you. Realize this! [If you're a person who often chooses to go with thoughts that are more challenging, you may later be surprised to discover that many of them actually came from Heaven.] 11. "Voices!" Sometimes thoughts in your head, are voices. The quietest voices, are from Heaven! Any thoughts you accept, become your own. So you should never accept any, that don't meet your standards, for what is good. [Sometimes you may hear thoughts in your mind that are offensive. You should rebuke them, and replace them with loving thoughts.] 12. "Directly!" "I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me." When you wake up, your mind is clearer. (Fasting can help too, but it isn't needed.) GOD never says, "I am GOD," or "I am Jesus." Because, you will *know*, WHO it is. GOD has a perfect tone of Voice, only speaks in agreement with the Bible, and is LOVE, which comes through every syllable, very clearly. GOD's Voice, will only appear in one spot: The exact dead-center of your head. Period. (It could be a little behind you.) And, It will not move. And, it is a little quieter. (Also, no other thoughts or voices, will.) That is how, to hear GOD's Voice! [If you seek to hear Him this way, I would think that if you're sincere, He would someday oblige you. And perhaps, even much more. What HE said to me was: “I love you son.”] 13. "Letters Mean Words!" Sometimes, GOD will make you notice letters. The impression you get from them, is the one HE is trying to give you! (You may also read letters as homophones, and, words within words.) I tend to only read this way, as GOD guides me to. Remember, the HOLY BIBLE is called the "WORD", not the "LETTERS". Here are a few, examples: Heat = 4 eat / t 4 ink / 4 EAR † / † EARS / (SEE:) cAGE, cALL, cALM, cAMP, cAN, cAN'T, cARE, cART, cENTER, cHARM, cHAT, cHECK, cLASS, cLEVER, cLIMB, cLOCK, cLOSE, cODE, cOLD, cORE, cOVER, cOW, cRAFT, cRASH, cREAM, cUP ! What most letters mean, usually: A = AFTER(/ALPHA), B = BOOST, C = SEE(/SEA), D = DEAL, E = EVEN(/EXTRA), F = FILL(/FORK), G = GOING(/GOD), H = FOR, I = ISOLATED(/EYE), J = HOOK(/JESUS), K = CONQUER, L = PUSH(/LOVE), M = MAN, N = NEGATE, O = OWE(/ZERO/OMEGA), P = PIERCE, Q = CUE, R = ROCK, S = CUT, T = TEE(/†), U = FLIP, V = VENT, W = DOUBLE-YOU, X = SPOT(/MARK), Y = WHY, Z = END * For more information, see "Letters Mean Words" in section four: https://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Silencer/2848013/
[Suppose you're in a situation, where you need to decide whether or not to give somebody something, and you're not sure how to proceed. And then GOD causes you to notice a Dot, and think about the letters of the word, reading them as "Do t", for example.] 14. "Typos!" GOD makes them! Try reading them! [The next time you make a typo, read what the extra or missing letter means, (either your impression, or, see the chart above,) and think about how that might be a message from GOD pertaining to whatever you're discussing with HIM.] 15. "Everything!" I may have once had a list of over 30 ways that I saw GOD speaking in our surroundings, all the time. Tuning-in, is best helped by context, and age. Pay attention to where your focus is directed while talking with GOD. Simply think, "everywhere!" And honey. These, are to get you started. Once you put all of this together, where will GOD be at, in your life dear? I love you. And WE have forevers and everses, to have fun! :o) And, I will be adding *more* to this! ;o) [Normally whatever your attention is directed at, is something that can be related to your conversation with GOD. Try to discern from what you're seeing, or experiencing, what direction GOD may be trying to take your conversation in. GOD often answers questions, by causing you to notice things, or think about things, that give you thoughts, which show you HIS answers. These are not all of the ways that GOD talks.] / 16. "Remembering!" Whenever you forget something, ask GOD to remind you, and then forget about it. And then, HE will! [This works perfectly every time without fail.] 17. "" [This is "NOT REMEMBERING". Not remembering GOD will cause you to not hear HIM.] 18. "Phone Call!" If you try to, GOD will use your Bible, like a cell phone. This is mostly for emergencies. Also, an Amplified one, may work even better! [The key to making this work, is that you must be extremely fervent when praying.] 19. "Eyelashes!" If you lose an eyelash, or get one in your eye, it is from The HOLY SPIRIT, and They would like you to t4ink about it! [The next time this happens to you, try to remember what you were thinking about when it happened. And strive to make your thoughts conform with the teachings of Jesus.] ~ 4 EAR † Whenever you are 'Interrupted' or 'Distracted', it is a spiritual occurrence. That you, should study. ;o) GOD takes care of you. :o) In 12 Words: * Holy Bible * Do you really care about others, or not? Good luck. https://berean.ai FACT-CHECK: "...1. Talking to God: Yes, Christians are encouraged to pray and communicate with God regularly. Prayer is a dialogue, not merely a monologue (Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). 2. Reading the Bible: The Bible is indeed the Word of God, and reading it is essential for Christian growth and guidance (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 3. Conscience: While our conscience can guide us, it is not infallible and needs to be shaped by Scripture (Romans 2:14-15; Hebrews 5:14). 4. Connections and Attention: Being attentive to God's leading and recognizing His involvement in our lives is important. Still, it's crucial to test everything against Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1). 5. Scriptures: The Holy Spirit can bring specific verses to mind, but it is essential to ensure that these impressions align with Scripture (John 14:26; 16:13). 6. Glancing: This practice is highly subjective and may lead to error. Instead, Christians should focus on studying Scripture diligently (2 Timothy 2:15). 7. The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit dwells in believers, guiding and convicting them according to God's Word (John 16:8; Galatians 5:22-23). 8. Birds and Music: While God is sovereign over all creation, attributing specific messages to natural phenomena or songs on shuffle lacks biblical support (Romans 1:20; Matthew 6:26). 9. Thoughts and Voices: While God can speak through thoughts and impressions, it's vital to discern whether these align with Scripture and are consistent with God's character (Isaiah 55:8-9). 10." Brothers. By spreading the light of truth, you disperse the darkness of the world. Helping others, helps us all. Please, share this with everyone: https://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Silencer/2880011/ (OR:) tinyurl.com/3mhae32y GOD bless and be with you. -Steve :o) Thank-you for reading this! Please, go here now: © 2024 Silencer |
Added on February 25, 2024 Last Updated on October 30, 2024 Tags: events in history, religion christian, spiritual development, torment Author