![]() KINGDOM OF HEAVENA Story by Silencer![]() Advanced Knowledge![]() VERY IMPORTANT: Go here now, before reading another word. I'll fix this document, later. Thank-you! / //////// * THIS PAGE HAS MANY LINKS. PLEASE BOOKMARK IT, SO YOU DON'T LOSE IT! * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Empowerment/Training Program ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Table of Contents What does the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Empowerment/Training Program accomplish? It will transform you into a spiritual Warrior, if you study it thoughtfully. The two most important things in here, are #1 and #8.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Introduction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hi! My name's Steve. I care about you, and I'd like everyone to choose to do the most with their lives that GOD has given them, that they can. And I teach three things about GOD, that you can't learn anywhere else on Earth. "Letters Mean Words" and "How to Hear GOD" are for everyone, and "How to Become a John 10:34 Christian god" is just for those who are interested. “It is finished!” - Jesus You're not here by accident. If this is what you're thinking: Some scholars say Jesus fulfilled well in excess of 1,000 prophecies. Jesus' prophetic fulfillments are the proof that HE is GOD, and the reason why you should believe in HIM. Whoever you are. (Mark 12:29-31.) Faith, isn't required here. (Do the math.) [FULL DISCLOSURE: Someone telling you they are GOD, LOVE, HOLY, GOOD, Right or Spirit, doesn't mean it's true. And Someone telling you to Fear Not, doesn't mean you should. WHICH SCRIPTURE PROVES THAT GOD ISN'T AN ALIEN COMMITTEE? None of them. And, Jesus avoided an important topic, that the Pentagon hasn't. How would anyone know that Jesus wasn't mind-controlled? How would anyone know that technology wasn't behind all of the miracles? They can't. Also, how do those aliens get saved? WHICH SCRIPTURE PROVES GOD IS HONEST? None of them. The Holy Bible indicates that Jesus' Mother had sin in her blood. So Jesus did. Another avoided topic. Could this be an issue? Would trust be advised, knowing these facts? (Psalm 146:3 (KJV:) Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.) You shall know them by their fruits. What do *you* think?] And this is what you're doing: Matthew 22:37-38: Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:39: And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Then you are on the right path. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Overview ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I love Everyone, and like Those who are loving. People get to know GOD over their lifetimes, with or without the WORD. The degree to which any person knows GOD, is demonstrated by their fruits. If a person without the written WORD grows in love with GOD, (GOD Is LOVE,) then they do believe in Jesus, they just don't know HIS name, or have HIS manual. But they still have HIM. If this is what you're doing, then when you die, you'll go to Heaven. (And if you're not, then you won't.) As you can see, Nice (loving) people go to Heaven, and (unloving) Jerks go to Hell. I'd call it Common Sense. GOD Is Just. (Only thoughtless people don't realize, that Nice people need to be stern, and Jerks pretend to be sweet.) If you don't believe this, check your Bible. Matthew 7:21: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. (Obey Jesus?) What gets a person to decide to be considerate of Others? I see value in other People, and know They have feelings like I do. E'Ziah Gail and I. Religion: Fear Not, if you believe in GOD. GOD Is LOVE. Jesus proved He was GOD with Prophecies. According to the Bible, His Mother Mary had sin in her blood. Do not trust HIM. Psalm 146:3 (KJV:) Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. JEHOVAH Is LORD. JEHOVAH, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are GOD. Love GOD and your neighbors. (Others.) Forgive others and you're forgiven. The Holy Bible is GOD's WORD. Follow your heart. You have dignity. Do not be proud, but demand respect. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sumMary ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The most important thing for you to do, is live a life that you'll be happy with, when you die. Loving GOD and your neighbors, to the best of your ability, is the path to making that happen. Those are the two commandments that Jesus gave you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * How we treat Others, defines who we are. * * * * * * * * * * * * * GOD is a Family! And when you believe in GOD, you become a part of that Family! Faithfulness, is an important part of Christianity, in all directions. To be happy when you die, first believe in Jesus. See: How to Become a Christian. [SEE LINK #2 ABOVE.] This 36-minute sermon will teach you how to treat others:
The real treasures in life, are our loved Ones. I've studied the Word for decades, and watched hundreds of preachers, and thousands of sermons. This is the greatest sermon that I've ever heard. Imprint this program, in your heart and mind, and share it with others. There is no higher paying job. [Sermon] - The Twelve: The Greatest of All is the Servant of All [SEE LINK #1 ABOVE.] 4 EAR † (god Information #1:) I found a hidden code in our Alphabet from GOD, never before seen. What most letters mean, usually: A = AFTER(/ALPHA), B = BOOST, C = SEE(/SEA), D = DEAL, E = EVEN(/EXTRA), F = FILL(/FORK), G = GOING(/GOD), H = FOR, I = ISOLATED(/EYE), J = HOOK(/JESUS), K = CONQUER, L = PUSH(/LOVE), M = MAN, N = NEGATE, O = OWE(/ZERO/OMEGA), P = PIERCE, Q = CUE, R = ROCK, S = CUT, T = TEE(/†), U = FLIP, V = VENT, W = DOUBLE-YOU, X = SPOT(/MARK), Y = WHY, Z = END * Here are a few, examples: Heat = 4 eat / t 4 ink / 4 EAR † / † EARS / (SEE:) cAGE, cALL, cALM, cAMP, cAN, cAN'T, cARE, cART, cENTER, cHARM, cHAT, cHECK, cLASS, cLEVER, cLIMB, cLOCK, cLOSE, cODE, cOLD, cORE, cOVER, cOW, cRAFT, cRASH, cREAM, cUP ! (SEE:) See Age = cAGE, See All = cALL, See Alm = cALM, See Amp = cAMP, See An = cAN, See Ant = cAN'T, See Are = cARE, See Art = cART, See Enter = cENTER, See Harm = cHARM, See Hat = cHAT, See Heck = cHECK, See Lass = cLASS, See Lever = cLEVER, See Limb = cLIMB, See Lock = cLOCK, See Lose = cLOSE, See Ode = cODE, See Old = cOLD, See Ore = cORE, See Over = cOVER, See Ow = cOW, See Raft = cRAFT, See Rash = cRASH, See Ream = cREAM, C Up = cUP ! To understand the value of this information, consider what you just learned. Letters Mean Words [SEE LINK #5 ABOVE.] [CBN, NewsNation, Fox News, John Hagee, Creflo Dollar, Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen, Charles Stanley, Mac Hammond, Franklin Graham, Rick Warren and Joyce Meyer, can't understand this. But you can, can't you? Media and Preachers have a responsibility to honestly investigate unusual claims, and report any significant findings to their viewers. What I'm sharing isn't a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact. To discern and share this information correctly, only requires a person who is serious about GOD. They're 'Marketplace Pharisees'. Insincere gossips, who slander everyone, and who are only interested in generating praise for themselves. Matthew 12:36: But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. Isn't it fascinating, that you can read this, but they can't? (See: Pride https://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Silencer/2899878/ )] Rihanna - Hard
(god Information #2:) When thinking about how I can help others, there is currently no way I can think of to help people more, than by putting them in direct contact with GOD. The closer you get to GOD, the better your life is. There are no relationships you'll cherish more. GOD is always speaking to you! Reviewing this, can help you tune-in and hear GOD better: How to Hear: * GOD! * - 20+ ways to Hear GOD! [SEE LINK #8 ABOVE.] (god Information #3:) This isn't something I expect you to do. But you need to know about it: Matthew 4:17 + James 3:2 = John 10:34 + Matthew 21:43. Matthew 4:17: From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” To repent means to empty yourself of all sin. Sin is anything less than perfect. Perfect is defined by James 3:2. + James 3:2: For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. = John 10:34: Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods” ’? + Matthew 21:43: “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. IN GOD WE TRUST To become a John 10:34 Christian god: You must renew your mind to the WORD, and perfect every word, thought and deed, in your mind, heart and body. And you must eliminate every single sin you can honestly identify within yourself completely. Not most. Aim here: † (I'm simply explaining what "Repent" means, more clearly.)
How to Become a John 10:34 Christian god [SEE LINK #9 ABOVE.] Another item I would like to promote, is my Peace of Mind document. It too can be very helpful to people. Peace of Mind [SEE LINK #4 ABOVE.] For knowledge, Answers is the first book I ever wrote. It's fun to read! It's like a Bible quiz. It contains the answers to over 100 questions about the Bible, which you can try to answer yourself first, before reading my answers. [Knowledge] - Answers [SEE LINK #3 ABOVE.] For wisdom, Words of Wisdom is a collection of sayings I've made which will clarify, improve and strengthen your thinking. They are statements of truth, like Proverbs, which can be applied universally to all things, giving you tremendous insight. [Wisdom] - Words of Wisdom - Words of Wisdom, are true statements to live by. [SEE LINK #6 ABOVE.] My + Super Bookmarks contain the most spectacular collection of PC Apps ever assembled, among other things. + Super Bookmarks - Useful Websites, PC Apps, Games, TV/Movie Streams, links to Documents, More. [SEE LINK #11 ABOVE.] Please share all of these things. GOD bless and be with you. Have a Nice Day! Semper Fi! Steve, (John 10:34.) :o) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The End ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Morty: (Pointing at TRIALS.) "Maybe he went down that road?" Rick: "No, no, no. If he took that, he'd of ended-up a hero." - Rick and Morty GOD bless and be with the people at Rick and Morty! (See: Rick and Morty https://www.adultswim.com/videos/rick-and-morty ) When I was 11 years-old, I prayed to GOD more fervently than ever, to stop Revelation. And then I forgot all about it. John 19:30: So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. Matthew 19:26: But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” John 14:13: And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. In 1994, after I got out of the Marines, I was setting goals, (while still completely forgetful of my prayer.) I read in the Bible that the first word Jesus preached was "Repent", and I decided to take Him seriously and focus on doing so, 100%. I spent 18 years working on repenting, during which time I perfected all aspects of myself, including my humility. On November 1st, 2012, I achieved my goal. Three days later, I went insane, and went through many traumatic experiences. I wrote them down and called the book TRIALS. After I got TRIALS written, I remembered my prayer. TRIALS - This is the story of what happened when I obeyed Matthew 4:17. [SEE LINK #12 ABOVE.] When you focus on doing one Word for 18 years, everything else becomes a blur. Matthew 4:17: From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” How about that? GOD answered my prayer. It may be difficult for you to believe, but in hindsight it's easy. HE was looking for someone to ask. Revelation has good parts too. Those, won't be stopped. (Common sense.) You of course, don't have to believe this. But it's true. I give you my word as a United States Marine. (Look at the three things I just taught you, and think about it.) Regardless, you should be expecting Jesus to return, anytime, by 2052. “It is finished!” - Jesus I hope you've enjoyed this presentation! Every word of it is true. Reading these things will empower you tremendously. (And anything in here that you disagree with, is an opportunity for you to grow.) I've lived a life that I'm happy with. I'm a nice person, and I did all of this Work for other nice People. (I don't care about what jerks think, and you shouldn't either.) (In Liberty, supporting the right for people to have different opinions, does not include, having respect for wrong ones.) The goal of this, is for you and others to be better empowered, to succeed at life. Christians are supposed to be helpful people. (Matthew 5:42.) So when anyone asks you for help, if you're unable to give them all of the help they're asking for, instead of giving them none, give them some. Then you will have provided GOD, with something to Work with, in their lives. Helping others, helps us all. Please, share this with everyone: https://www.writerscafe.org/writing/Silencer/2889367/ (OR:) tinyurl.com/bdd9fawr Thank-you. If someone shared this with you, please thank them for me! And I would love to hear about how this has helped you, in the comments! © 2024 Silencer |
Added on May 15, 2024 Last Updated on October 30, 2024 Tags: events in history, torment, spiritual development, religion christian Author